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jiminy_cricks t1_jcmbgn5 wrote

Depends on the kind of social life, the meet your friends at the bar after you get out of work, or the hang out with them before you go to work kind.

3-11 is really tough on the social life but leaves time to get 8 hours of sleep and do things during the day before work, line Dr appointments or whatever. This also keeps a relatively normal sleep schedule, 12 or 1 to 8 or 9 am.

11-7 makes it easier to hang out with people before work but is hell on your sleep schedule and forces you to risk sacrificing sleep for daytime appointments or activities. Not everyone can adjust to getting good sleep during the day.

On a side note I did 7pm - 7am for a little over a year and it took just as long if not longer to fully readjust to a day shift schedule. My sleep was screwed for ages.