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keepthetips t1_je3zk2z wrote

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ninaunst OP t1_je3zo7l wrote

I have a 2011 Honda civic and only pay about 800-900 annually for full coverage insurance.


ER9191 t1_je41s3y wrote

They also offer unbeateable deals with their own credit cards (in their store, of course).


CentralArtery t1_je42btb wrote

Geico - Live in MA - 35m, been driving since I was 17. One accident (more than 10 years ago). Pretty sure when I paid my yearly fee earlier this year, it was somewhere around the $680 range or something.


Law_Doge t1_je44agz wrote

When you say full coverage, what’s your tort option? Do you have unlimited tort/no verbal threshold/no limitation on lawsuit or do you only have comprehensive and collision?

This is how companies like Geico save you 15% or more in 15 minutes by getting you to sign away your right to make a claim unless you overcome the tort threshold (permanently disfigured, dead, compound fractures)

I’m a personal injury attorney by trade. I deal with these tragic situations on a daily basis

Lastly, $15k/$30k is a paltry amount of insurance to be considered fully legal. If you don’t have underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage you’re screwed


aeldsidhe t1_je453am wrote

They also offer great deals on rental cars.


Fitness-Runner t1_je475pb wrote

Good tip! I recently switched to Costco car insurance and so far it has been great. The coverage is great, and the customer service is top notch. Highly recommend!


filthythedog t1_je4a6tf wrote

Well the quote I got from them was certainly beatable and has been every year.

You just need to shop around.


filthythedog t1_je4ki1t wrote

I'm in southern Ontario, Canada. Not sure where you are.

I'm 53 and drive a 2016 Focus ST. No accidents or claims since forever. From memory Costco quoted me about $1400. I pay just under $1100 with Belair. Got plenty of quotes in the 1100-1300 range.

Sickens me, actually. I'm originally from the UK. My insurance there would be less than half of what I pay here.


kg215 t1_je4kmq1 wrote

YMMV on unbeatable prices. I checked multiple times over the years and other quotes were always cheaper. It wasn't always a huge difference but there was not a single time where the Costco insurance was the cheapest.


EvErYLeGaLvOtE t1_je4me1x wrote

Hey I actually have this! You get it through the executive membership though.

The company isn't owned by Costco, they just offer members special discounts. Used to be called Ameriprise but now they're called Connect.

I live in Houston and drive a 4 door sedan. Annual for me is about $1200 and I have basic coverage. I'm sticking with this company still because a kid crashed into me 4 years ago, totaled my car, and this insurance made everything SO easy. They got me a check within 4 days, no questions asked.

Best experience with a car insurance company I've ever had


ItsWorkingOutOKish t1_je4nwkr wrote

I tried their home & auto insurance once. It was just Allstate. Then they sent me a letter in the mail one day asking me what my relation to [my mom’s name] was. I called their customer service line to tell them it was my mom, but I’m a grown adult and she lived in another state, so why were they asking? A few weeks later, I got a letter stating our insurance was canceled because I never responded about my relationship to [my mom’s name]. I did though? And again, why were they asking? So I had been driving around an uninsured car, living in an uninsured home, for however long it took for that letter to arrive at our house. Never again.


GlassEyeMV t1_je4piy4 wrote

Yup. I considered changing when I moved to Virginia. I’ve had Nationwide all my life and Costco and Geico came in at the exact same price I was already paying. I liked my agent, and she ended up saving my ass twice over the years, so it was definitely the right move.

Shop around. Find what’s best FOR YOU.

I still have Nationwide. They consistently come in as the cheapest or within $3-4 a month of it and their customer service has been top notch.


marshall262 t1_je4pojp wrote

Going to disagree with you on the unbeatable part there. I think they were a solid third when I did my shopping around last year.


moose_tassels t1_je4qyt1 wrote

Me too! When I got married my husband switch to my plan and canceled his State Farm coverage. His agent asked him who he was switching to and when my husband said USAA his agent sounded defeated when he responded "Oh. Well, I don't blame you, we can't beat

USAA rocks.


DazzlingPotion t1_je4rnd0 wrote

We have Plymouth Rock. 3 vehicles (2020, 2015, 2003) with very high coverage levels. Paying $1,815 per year. Find an agent that carries multiple lines. Mine has Plymouth Rock, MAPFRE and Arbella. Start getting quotes 60 days before your policy expires. Also it is definitely NOT all about price, you need to understand your coverage and know what you’re buying before an accident happens.


tiredmom56 t1_je4sxq1 wrote

Keep an eye on USAA. I've had them for years too, but have had nothing but problems with them for the past two years. They've outsourced their assessors and their customer service was horrible. I am actively looking around for another provider, which is disappointing because they used to be great.


AzoriumLupum t1_je4vfk3 wrote

I guess it depends on how much bulk you buy. I'm actually canceling my membership when it comes time to renew. I just don't use it enough to justify it.

Edit: Even the gas is only pennies cheaper than everywhere around it and just not worth sitting in those long lines. Maybe- MAYBE- if you catch it when there is only one or two cars in front of you, but otherwise, nope.


r0xANDt0l t1_je4vlat wrote

Is this only on american Costcos or everywhere?


Law_Doge t1_je50n0n wrote

No apologies necessary. Auto insurance is confusing by design IMO. Personally I have Snake Farm which is one of the worst companies, but their rates are comparatively cheap.

UM/UIM are additional pieces of coverage.

Say you’re hit involved in a hit and run. That’s uninsured motorist coverage (UM). You can make a claim against your own insurance company.

If somebody hits you who has minimal coverage, that’s under insured motorist coverage (UIM). After their insurance company pays out the other drivers maximum policy benefits, you can seek the remainder from your own insurance company.

Tort options are essentially the overall ability for you to make a claim.

Limited tort/verbal threshold won’t allow you to make a claim for your injuries unless you meet one of a few exceptions like commercial vehicles, death, disfigurement, loss of a fetus, compound fractures, etc. (out of state driver scenarios get complicated)

Full tort/no verbal threshold allows you to make a claim regardless and have to jump through the insurance companies set of hoops in that regard

You can find all your coverage options on your auto declarations page of insurance policy. The terms and specific rules/regulations vary from state to state which is where the tort/verbal threshold/limitation on lawsuit dichotomy comes from. Consult a local attorney for legal advice if you want to change anything. They’re more than happy to talk coverage options if they’re anything like me (we’re all mostly the same/insane)


reenmini t1_je523ni wrote

>Edit: Even the gas is only pennies cheaper than everywhere around it and just not worth sitting in those long lines. Maybe- MAYBE- if you catch it when there is only one or two cars in front of you, but otherwise, nope.

This is deranged slander.

Costco gas is a solid 50 cents cheaper or more everywhere else in many of the places I have been.


Skarimari t1_je532hb wrote

Evidently depends where you are. I'm in Alberta Canada and just switched to Costco's insurance partner, Inova. It dropped my car insurance by 40% and house insurance by a whopping 78%. YMMV.


scotchybob t1_je53w9p wrote

Wawanesa (Canadian insurance company) is incredibly cheap and the customer service is awesome. Been with them for years now. Unfortunately, they are currently only available in two US states (CA and OR). It pays to shop around and do a little homework.


XXxRedrumxXX t1_je54bga wrote

Not the cheapest for me, but the few times I’ve had to use it, it’s been an incredibly easy and smooth process. Would not use anyone else even if it saves me a few bucks.


clappy990 t1_je59dwz wrote

Insurance agent here:

It’s gonna be different for everyone. Different companies have different appetites for what they want to insure, meaning different rates. I’m with State Farm because they’re the cheapest for me but my buddy is with Progressive because it’s cheaper than State Farm for him.

Bottom line is shop around. You never know until you do.


thetwelveofsix t1_je59em9 wrote

They recently stopped accepting new applicants in California. Members with the insurance are grandfathered in, but if you don’t already have it, it’s no longer an option here.


Gordon_Explosion t1_je5ab6x wrote

I checked. They didn't come close to beating my progressive with 10 year loyalty, home and auto bundle, and good driver discounts.

Neither did USAA.


AzoriumLupum t1_je5p3t4 wrote

>Costco gas is a solid 50 cents cheaper or more everywhere else in many of the places I have been.

Then you haven't been where I live. The nearest Costco is at $4.36. There is an Arco across the street at $4.38, a Shell 2 blocks down at $4.42 and some lesser known brands scattered nearby between $4.40 and $4.50.

I would rather spend a handful of pennies more on gas than deal with the long wait times for Costco.

If you are going to call someone deranged, maybe don't sound deranged yourself.


freshducksniper t1_je5qads wrote

Nah not always true. Mercury beat out Costcos offerings for me. Maybe also add check for corporate discounts depending on who you work for.


Ub1e t1_je5tys4 wrote

Definitely worth shopping around. TD insurance quoted me $4,600 for my vehicle. No accidents or tickets in my 6 years of driving. Called AMA and was quoted $1,800. 100% shop around


customerservis t1_je5v665 wrote

In Michigan I have not been able to find another auto insurer that could beat our rates through the costco insurance. I’ve compared rates once a year every year and no one has come close. But, he have both auto and home insured together and we haven’t been too happy with the ho insurance. Had hail damage to our roof last summer and the ho insurance has an extremely high hail deductible. It wasn’t even worth filing a claim.


peachyperfect3 t1_je5zoz0 wrote

A lot of people also don’t know, in certain states (like California) you can purchase drugs and alcohol at Costco without a Costco membership. At the front door, let them know that you’re only going to the pharmacy, or only going to buy alcohol. If the front door refuses you, they may not know of the law, so ask to speak with a supervisor who will know the law.


knkyred t1_je67oaj wrote

It's crazy how much location affects rates. When we moved 2 towns over, literally 9 miles apart door to door, car insurance rates went down due to the new location being deemed a lower risk than old.


jaffy23 t1_je69szr wrote

Only insurance I’ve had that was unbeatable, yet has gone down in the past renewals


Lee2026 t1_je6atk3 wrote

I doubt Costco actually provides insurance. They are a third party reseller.

In the past, Costco was able to get good discounts on things like car insurance, car rentals, vacation packages etc, but nowadays it is always cheaper to book direct. Brands make it much hard to use third party services in today’s world and if you have issues, it is much harder to get help from the brand you are using due to booking through a third party.


Lee2026 t1_je6b8pu wrote

$1200 for basic coverage!?

I pay $1600 annually for 2 cars. One is a 2021 with full coverage and the other is a 2006 weekend car I have liability only for. Unless you are a new driver or have a bad driving record, $1200 is a lot


rawwwse t1_je6gln1 wrote

I feel dumb asking, but… Where does one start on this “shopping around” thing? Insurance is just one of those things I feel like I’m stuck with.

Had a terrible experience with my auto insurance co. (Nationwide) a few years back, but never changed it because they also insure my home, and I figured it would just be too big of a pain to shop/compare/switch both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


marshall262 t1_je6hnhv wrote

It's a bit of a pain since you'll probably end up being on the phone for about 45 mins with each insurer on hold/answering questions/discussing coverage options, etc. Well worth it every couple of years though to a) get the best premium you can find and b) review your coverages to make sure they're still appropriate for your needs. Both auto and home can be covered in one phone call.

You could start by asking around some of your friends and colleagues to see who they use, then simply call those insurers asking if they can give you a quote. Also, do some research to see if you're eligible for any group discounts (for instance a lot of colleges or universities, professional associations, etc will negotiate favourable discounts for their members with specific insurers).


mrnewtons t1_je6o8qh wrote

Depends on the area, I have a flawless record and I have a 2010 Ford Fusion. I still pay about $1,600 a year now because prices went up for both renters and auto insurance.


But I live in Seattle, so if I get in an accident it's probably with a really expensive car... I also have more than the basic coverage for the same reason.


thejomjohns t1_je6vhet wrote

I got an insurance broker a few years back. My premiums plummeted and every year they come back to me saying, "We think this other company has the same coverage for cheaper." I think I'm paying something like $1000 per year right now for full coverage.


Mortifer t1_je6y05c wrote

I have not found this to be the case for quality tires, provided you are buying the brand that is on sale at the time. One single time in the past decade, I found basically the same price from another vendor, but every other time Costco has beaten everybody else.

I'm only talking about same-tire comparisons. I don't shop for the cheapest tire that fits the vehicle. When I'm looking, I'm looking for a specific brand and tire for the vehicle (Bridgestone and Michelin for the last several purchases).


up2knitgood t1_je6ysat wrote

I finally broke down and found an insurance broker and wish I'd done it way before. I showed them my current coverage and they got a few quotes. Especially if you have more than one policy (car, renters/homeowners, etc. I'd recommend at least looking into it.


skunksmasher t1_je701tq wrote

will they bother to pay you out if you claim? there is more to insurance than just price


Joe-Yoder t1_je71oq7 wrote

Not accurate. I just got done cancelling Costco insurance. Waste of time and money to switch over in the first place.


Saugeen-Uwo t1_je74im2 wrote

Not if you work for an insurance company like me!


cneueidb t1_je7hi1t wrote

You might shop around every year and switch frequently but as someone working from the inside insurance carriers will see that and charge you more for it. Also, a REAL pro tip: raise your coverages to the highest limited for 30-60 days prior to being quoted and you’ll get a better deal. Same if you pay in full or two pay. Haven’t the lowest coverages and then trying to be quoted actually gets you worse deals. Insurance companies get you going and coming. Lol.


Logizyme t1_je7jj45 wrote

+1 for all of this ^

There are cheaper tires out there. Costco does not sell low tier brand tires. They sell high quality top tier tires, at cheaper than anyone else.

Michelins, Bridgestone, BFG.

They include road hazard warranty for free, which is a considerable add on at most places, and theirs tire centers are widely available.


trojan-813 t1_je82ig2 wrote

Do it online, always. It never take more than 10 minutes with each application.

Pro tip: if you’re married, do 2 applications, each adult as the main policy holder. One is always cheaper, and it tends to be the women. My wife as the “named insured” was 30% cheaper than me bing the named insured and I have the better driving record.


Reprised-role t1_je8h26n wrote

I was with progressive for 11 years.

Connect absolutely destroyed progressive for me, like less than half the price, and much higher coverage. I tried to get the coverage limits so high that they’d be more expensive than progressive, and even then they were cheaper.

Progressive was always a pain to deal with. Connect have been brilliant. Answer the phone in a few minutes tops (sometimes less than a minute) and always nice folks on the other end of the phone.

I have a perfectly clean insurance record too.


-Holstein- t1_je8r9gm wrote

I halved my house insurance when I switched to costco insurance in Ontario. I'm Definitely pleaded with the switch.


Beneficial_Prize_903 t1_jea5f8n wrote

USAA is one of the worst insurance companies I deal with. I represent injured persons and USAA makes everything so difficult for their own insureds. I get it being difficult for "the other guy" but when your lawyer has to sue just to get the no-fault medical payments (Medpay or PIP) it is terrible service. I've dealt with many insurance companies and USAA is at the top of my list of "never have for yourself".