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ChaoticAaronStout- t1_je0261d wrote

Eat a lot of fatty and fibrous foods. Avacado, cheese, fatty beef, pork and fish, bacon, eggs, leafy greens, butter, heavy cream fruits (not fruit juice) and vegetables.

The fat and fiber in these foods trigger hormone releases that will make you feel full and satiated.

Empty calories like bread, soda, candy, pasta, rice, fruit juice, potatoes trigger hormone releases that will cause you to never be full and satiated.


LordNumNutz t1_je154x5 wrote

Also to add onto your good advice ..... eat slower ! ... eatting slower has really help me eat less !


aledba t1_je2cn9k wrote

I didn't realize how long eating could take until I began to truly chew my food.


Boredummmage t1_je0xh14 wrote

That said if you aren’t willing to stop eating out pack 1/2 of anything you order while out up and save it for the next meal. Tell yourself if you eat it you will be hungry later. If you get hungry in between meals go for whole fruits or vegetables. This is an easy way to reduce your calories by 1/2or close to it.


Sugar_buddy t1_je13864 wrote

This is what I do. My coworkers all make fun of me for saving half my food, but then they stare at me while I eat and they complain about being hungry.


tacosevery_day t1_je0jpme wrote

Came here to say this.

Carbs and sugar create an insulin spike which causes a hunger positive feedback loop.

No more junk food, bread or pasta.

Meat and veggies


Equalanimalfarm t1_je12jt1 wrote

Please provide us with the evidence to back this up. Your suggested diet is very unhealthy in the long term. I hope OP doesn't follow through with that.


QueenXmasBourbonDogs t1_je18ml7 wrote

There is plenty of evidence out there that carb heavy diets (the “low fat” stuff we were all trained to lean on for “health”) have the opposite of the intended effect. Leaning heavily on fruit and veg is a no-no, too - you’ll never feel satisfied. Fat is what tricks the brain into thinking we’re satisfied due to the hormones that are released. Not deep-fried fat, but fat found naturally in foods.

I’m sure the intent isn’t to gorge on bacon all day while drinking heavy cream by the pint. But focusing on the combination of protein, fiber and healthy fat is the key. Fat should not be avoided entirely - in fact, it’s the fat in milk that helps us absorb calcium, so skim milk and fat-free yogurt are basically garbage, but they were touted for decades as the way to go.


StupiderIdjit t1_je1cp9c wrote

You're kind of right, but there's plenty of evidence that red meat and pork are terrible for you. Telling someone to eat fatty meat and cheese is the opposite of good diet advice (unless the person needs to put on weight, and even then, there are better options).

Telling someone to drink milk for calcium instead of eating almost any green vegetable (broccoli, kale, almost any leafy green) is wrong. It's just bad advice.

PS to OP: Go crazy with vegetables. You can eat pounds of vegetables for like 100 calories, it's just dumb.


QueenXmasBourbonDogs t1_je1eraz wrote

When did I suggest drinking milk rather than eating a leafy green? It was an example of how low-fat was pushed for years while disregarding our need for fat to properly absorb nutrients that supposedly make milk "healthy".

In the context of the OP's situation - eating way too much food in order to feel satisfied - the suggestion of adding more fat to the diet is solid. Add some olive oil, full-fat dressing, and/or avocado to a salad. Bam. Better chance of feeling satisfied without the need to binge. It's not that difficult.


ChaoticAaronStout- t1_je37ecs wrote

No there isn't. Humans have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years.


StupiderIdjit t1_je3b63v wrote

Not red meat twice a day every day for decades like Americans do.


ChaoticAaronStout- t1_je4ntue wrote

Fat, sick, and nealyb dead americans eat loaf of bread, a gallon of soda and a bushel of potatoes every day and be like "that 6 oz of meat will kill you."


StupiderIdjit t1_je5024t wrote

Just because all of those things are terrible for you doesn't mean that red meat isn't terrible for you too.



ChaoticAaronStout- t1_je51q93 wrote

The sample size for this study is 900 people. That is statically insignificant. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.


StupiderIdjit t1_je53qko wrote

One new study on top of the previous 800 studies. Go back to Tiktok. Reading is too hard for you.


ChaoticAaronStout- t1_je5az5g wrote

Keep eating your nothing but vegetables and being weak, slow, sick, and frail.


Equalanimalfarm t1_je2nbbh wrote

Ah, thank you doctor, with providing me with the evidence I asked for.

Your plea clearly explains why studies consistently show that obesity is more prevalent in meat eaters and least prevalent in vegans/plant based diets.


SigueSigueSputnix t1_je4cu44 wrote

nah. wrong bud. barking up the wrong tree. maybe vegans arent overweight because they dont get much nutrition that has much flavour. lol.
