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postfuture t1_jdz5m4c wrote

Too hard to tell. From LPT years ago: put an empty small glass face up on upper rack. Dump it out when you empty the dishwasher. Full cup = clean.


vendetta2115 OP t1_jdzv4re wrote

Hard to tell? You can just look at whether the detergent reservoir is open or closed.

The important thing about this LPT is that it doesn’t require any extra steps or expense. You’re still filling up the dishwashing detergent like you normally would, you’re just doing it as soon as you empty the clean dishes.

I’m astounded at how much flak this simple LPT has gotten.


postfuture t1_je9zf7b wrote

If either rack is out, I can't see my detergent hatch. I'd have to close one or both racks to see that. Boooogus.