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brookesiamicra t1_jeat1r3 wrote

Great point! And many shelters and rescues actually have partnerships with local clinics to offer free first visits! Also please update your other pets' vaccines and consider quarantining new pets post-adoption to limit risk of spread of disease. Open intake shelters are wonderful but especially currently, are often very crowded. Overcrowding can stress animals which can subsequently decrease immune function increasing risk of spread of disease.


_perl_ t1_jeb5ec1 wrote

Our community does the free first visit and it's wonderful! I've had access to this program while adopting pets over the past 20 years and always appreciated it, but sort of took it for granted that other places don't have it. We are very lucky! Plus our regular vet accepts the free first visit so it's the beginning of a long term relationship.


brookesiamicra t1_jebe1ng wrote

YES!!! I love that for you all! I love those programs too because like you said - it's the beginning of a long-term relationship when you establish care with your primary care veterinarian as part of the free first visit!