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keepthetips t1_je7vhq4 wrote

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[deleted] t1_je8gck8 wrote

Get it checked if you can find a doctor, any doctor.

Here is the reality in Canada folks: healthcare is free but the resources (doctors) are not. So we pay with time by waiting months/years to see a doctor.


phrobot t1_je8hilo wrote

Are you saying they ration healthcare when it’s “free”? Weird. Say what you want about Uncle Sam, but the longest anyone I know has had to wait for surgery is a few weeks.


LorenzoStomp t1_je9bfi2 wrote

How does it work with things like infections, infestations, etc? Like you have cellulitis or scabies, where you might be okay right now but it can kill you or spread to others if not treated quickly?


chemical09 OP t1_jea4uym wrote

You go to the ER and are triaged. Usually around an 8 hour wait... and most of the time they send you home with the wrong diagnosis so you go back the next day to wait again. If it's highly contagious I assume they put you in another room. It's a terrible system and I guarantee so many people are dying because of it.