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gththrowaway t1_je4ynnf wrote

I get not doing this to strangers/ coworkers, but do you all really have such limited relationships with your friends that you can't discuss inportant aspects of each others lives?


gleaming-the-cubicle t1_je507bh wrote

"I don't want kids."

Ok. waits 20 minutes Hey, have you changed your mind about kids yet?

"Still no"

Ok waits 20 more minutes How about now?


Altformyaltaccount t1_jedt9q4 wrote

I think getting in a relationship has a significant enough chance of changing a person's desire to have a kid where it can't be compared to just 20 minutes.


gththrowaway t1_je51pe1 wrote

Maybe you need better friends?


gleaming-the-cubicle t1_je53op2 wrote

And maybe you need to realize that nobody is about to cut off contract with their family because one auntie is nosy


gththrowaway t1_je55x1h wrote

Did I say you need better FRIENDS, or you need to cut off contact with your family?


i_love_ewe t1_je51tyy wrote

Seriously. The principle behind this “tip” is, apparently, don’t talk to your friends about personal things.


stitics t1_je6gu33 wrote

I don't get that. I get the principle behind this tip is "don't pry". If your friend starts talking to you about a subject, pretty clearly it's okay to talk about. If you have to ask about a subject, maybe you oughtn't.


Centillionare t1_je6nahl wrote

I agree with the whole “I don’t like when family members try and pressure me into having kids” sentiment, but this is just going way too far.

The post implies they haven’t asked about kids in years, and are only bringing it up because a big milestone in their life has happened.


stitics t1_je6gedx wrote

I don't think I agree that not asking (or "not being able to ask") indicates a poor relationship. I think what would indicate a poor relationship would be needing to ask, and/or feeling like if you didn't have the information somehow you weren't worthy, as opposed to the person just not considering it your business.

edit to clarify: by "needing", I mean feeling the need to... Not that they aren't volunteering the info without you asking