Submitted by Bart-MS t3_127no05 in LifeProTips

Summer is coming (I assume) and that means for me that I will have sleep problems because of noise during the warm nights. I live in a middle class suburb on a busy road but the cars aren't even the problem here. Almost every weekend there is a party somewhere and esp the constant low beats (bum-bum-bum) are getting on my nerves. Esp on warmer nights when I keep the bedroom window open I wake up in the middle of the night, hear those beats and can't get back to sleep for an hour or so.

Before someone states the obvious: yes, I would like to move into a quieter area but with the insane house prices it is next to impossible to find a comparable home in my city. And no, an AC is out of the question for several reasons, starting with the fact that closing the windows won't help much anyway. I still hear the noise.

My question is: how can I get some inner peace in those nights and not be bothered so much that I need an hour at least to get asleep again. How do you cope with this problem? Is there any practical tip that you apply?

PS: Lately, I found out about white noise machines and white noise apps. Is it worth to buy a physical device or is an app sufficient? If so, is any app recommended? (I am happy to pay for it, if needed.)



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Suspicious_Seaweed_8 t1_jeewima wrote

I would get a white noise machine. Big difference


BillyMackk t1_jefkbcv wrote

The machine, not an app or a speaker. There’s a non-acoustic aspect of a machine that tends to flatten out low frequencies better than a speaker, which feels localized and artificial.


Bart-MS OP t1_jefvtc1 wrote

Good to know - thanks!


-Chris-V- t1_jegvaex wrote

To put an even finer point on it the one you want js called a dohm and it makes the noise mechanically, not with an audio file.


ChrisGeritol t1_jeexfmr wrote

I sleep with earplugs every night. I don't hear much of anything.


Bart-MS OP t1_jef85ct wrote

Thanks. I tried them but they don't work for me, unfortunately.


BillyMackk t1_jefkk2g wrote

Have you tried the pliable silicon plugs for swimmers? They don’t go in the ear canal, just the ear vag so they’re waaay more comfortable albeit not as effective.


Bart-MS OP t1_jefrprn wrote

No, I may give it a try. Thanks!


mycushion t1_jef248f wrote

Honestly, I fantasize about violently destroying people's speakers in front of their face, and the satisfaction helps me sleep.

Interestingly, when the noise is on the weekend, it doesn't disturb me as much, because I don't get angry, because I feel like people have a right to party on the weekend. Likewise, I'm unbothered by crying babies, barking dogs, and construction. It's my anger at people being inconsiderate that keeps me awake.

I've also found that it helps to get into as deep a sleep as possible-- when I've done hard physical work, taken a hot bath, and/or eaten a lot of carbs before bed, I sleep through noise that others complain about the next morning. And no, that's not my snoring.


SpectreGadget t1_jeewott wrote

We use a box fan which works well for me. When I travel I use an app on the phone which provides a good proxy and helps me sleep.


Status_Change_758 t1_jefmf6x wrote

This, if fan buzzing doesn't disrupt your sleep. Has to be the old style box fan, newer fans are quiet. You can use in your window since you want to avoid AC. There are some versions with a slight cooling feature.

Dehumidifiers also emit the same sound. If all else fails, ask a friend if you can sleep over some weekends in summer.


HoneyChilliLimey t1_jefhofu wrote

Since you don't do well with earplugs, you could try "hairband headphones" (not sure if this the correct term) with white noise or rain noises. They are flat and can supposedly be used even if you're a side sleeper. I personally haven't tried them yet, so take this with a grain of salt.


YeahWhatOk t1_jefvu48 wrote

These were life changers for me. I have both the headband ones and the sleep mask one. I have mild tinnitus, so I always need some sort of sound going. These headphones coupled with some sleep podcasts on Spotify (sleep with me, sleepy, the sleepy bookshelf, etc) make falling asleep a breeze now.


RentalGore t1_jeeyfj4 wrote

If you can sleep with headphones on, I find it helps a lot (combined with white noise/rain sounds etc)


Razaelbub t1_jeeyu0h wrote

I've used both a stand alone device and app for white noise. I think a plugged in device provides a more encompassing sound that fills a space.

I grew up on a county road in the rural Midwest, and now live in a suburb near a (admittedly not super) busy road. White noise is a blessing. Unless somebody is bumping big bass out of their car...


Rkins_UK_xf t1_jef6rc0 wrote

If you don’t like sleeping with two ear plugs in, then try just one, if the noise wakes you up turn onto your side so the unplugged ear is on your pillow.


Competitive_Mall6401 t1_jefj13b wrote

If you own the house, plant evergreen trees. I noticed how huge the difference was when my neighbor cleared a bunch of theirs, now we hear traffic, sirens, and noise from a local school we never heard before. Since then a big hedge we planted (viburnum) has really helped.


rollerkitten97 t1_jeewlfm wrote

Go on YouTube and find white noise videos. There are lots that are like "black screen with rain noise". Why spend the money when you can basically do the same for free.


QristopherQuixote t1_jeex75g wrote

I would highly recommend buying a google home mini or equivalent device. You can experiment with different noise themes to help you sleep. I have a google home, and I try:

  • relaxing ocean sounds
  • Brown noise
  • white noise

I can tell my google device how long I want these to play as well.


_iamnotgeorge_ t1_jeeyql0 wrote

I would recommend ear plugs. If they do not work for any reasons (inconvenience, hate for hearing one's own heartbeat), I would just buy a fan.

Or you do trick your mind in working in the noise in your sleep. Like for me when the garbage truck comes and pulls up backwards it's like 20minutes of high pitched beeping. I wake up a little and turn that beeping into a story which I will make up.

If it's too hot outside and you MUST open your window, still try to leave it shut and have a small bottle with water ready that you iced before in the refrigerator. Then put it into your crotch or between your legs. If you still got hair, you can also wet your hair before going to sleep.

If the bass is bothering you, welp, I would like an answer to that as well.


NarrativeScorpion t1_jef011y wrote

Ear plugs are a good start if you can tolerate them. I find that a cheap pair of foam earplugs can stop a lot of noises and significantly reduce the volume/irritableness of everything else.


Bart-MS OP t1_jef8gpn wrote

I've tried them but unfortunately I can't tolerate them. But thanks anyway!


wanchez05 t1_jef04wl wrote

My recommendation is that you try the white noise machine before you buy it. I made a mistake of ordering one from Amazon and although it was very highly rated, the noises it made were annoying to my ears, as they were very "metallic" and they gave me goosebumps. I like Headspace for an app. It has meditations, but also things for helping you sleep and white noises that are more "organic", like rain, wind, rustling leaves, etc.


Bart-MS OP t1_jefx93s wrote

Anything I buy from eBay I can return within two or four weeks so that helps definitely finding the right device.


keepthetips t1_jeevusx wrote

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brs123456 t1_jef2yrs wrote

There are white noise apps for your phone. I have been using an app actually called white noise on my android for years. Since it is on my phone I can take with with me and use it regardless of where I am sleeping.

Before i found the app I had a small 6 imch fan I would run at night to make my white noise.


Acceptable_Parfait27 t1_jef374e wrote

A fan would be great for white noise and letting you close your window. Another option would be sleeping in a different room in the summer. Perhaps your basement would be cooler and quieter?


Bart-MS OP t1_jefwo36 wrote

I'm living in an apartment house and my basement room is just a small storage room. The only other place to sleep other than the bedroom is upstairs but that's directly under the roof and too hot in the summer. Besides, I love having the windows open at night and I don't want to give that up. Which makes the situation quite difficult. But thanks anyway!


ricardo9505 t1_jef4di6 wrote

I'm in NYC and I must say I HATE music when I'm sleeping. That low bass from afar. Police cars and random ppl yelling, cars driving by I have no issue.


Diligent-Wing-1486 t1_jef6kbv wrote

Nose cancelling earphones or for cheaper you can use ear plugs


[deleted] t1_jeg01gg wrote

have you tried loop earplugs?? they are amazing for noise reduction and have been a godsend for me


ReputationNo5681 t1_jeg4bno wrote

I have a portable ac unit for the bedroom. It keeps it nice and cool, plus it provides great white noise


ZombieOfTheYear t1_jegsqmi wrote

Absolutely worth it to get a good noise app (even if it costs a bit). They offer, white, pink, and all kinds of other noise that does different things (e.g. dampen other noise, emulate nature, etc).


skunksmasher t1_jegm1p2 wrote

ear plugs


see a doctor

in the short term sleeping pills