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keepthetips t1_jcbwbvp wrote

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stella672 t1_jcbwp4a wrote

As an introvert believe or not I like to have extrovert friends they force me out of my comfort and we often have lots of fun


Photographer_Rob t1_jcbwpzx wrote

A positive attitude is always nice. Its okay to be in a bad mood sometimes, but if everything we are together you just want to complain and bring the atmosphere down. Then I won't be hanging out with you.


shawmahawk t1_jcbzvc8 wrote

Positive outlook is always number one. Following that, someone who is genuinely curious about the world.


jasonking00 t1_jcc3bxo wrote

Right off the bat, someone that isn't a dope smoker or needs alcohol to have fun. Stay away for those types of people. It's cookie cutter behavior to the core.

Someone that is themselves and doesn't need to lie about things. Being genuine is the point.


yevizone t1_jcc9tkl wrote

My closest friends are the ones I can be completely myself around - no need to fake a smile or force small talk. They genuinely have my back no matter what, we laugh together often, and I can say anything without fear of judgement.

On a more general level, when I meet someone new or don’t know them as well, general positivity, don’t talk down to others, a good sense of humor, and (most importantly to me) not taking themselves too seriously.


autotelica t1_jccburb wrote

Easy-going, doesn't bitch and moan a lot, laughs easily, and keeps their judgy comments to a minimum.


Njtotx3 t1_jccchav wrote

Genuine interest, engaged listening, remembering things people tell you.


TheFishBanjo t1_jccia6a wrote

For me, I like rapport.

It helps to be similar in terms of interests, mannerisms, speech, enthusiasm level, life outlook, etc.


_No_Pain_No_Gain t1_jccop3m wrote




Strife for self improvement

Zero victim mentality



fred_cheese t1_jcedgea wrote

In conversation, be knowledgeable in one or two things. Everything else, behave as if you don't know anything about it.

Defer to the other person's opinion.

Laugh and smile a lot but not so much they thing something is wrong with you.

Take the above with just a grain of salt. Or maybe less.


sweetalmondjoy t1_jcoibde wrote

Someone who is optimistic, has a positive outlook on life, doesn’t take life too serious, likes to have fun, is respectful, has a good sense of humor, non judgmental, caring and empathetic


noperhapsyes t1_je8o8zg wrote

Empathy and humor. They are hard to beat together in most social situations.