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MoreSleepLessWork t1_jcp0615 wrote

Does not apply to most long Covid sufferers, unfortunately.


[deleted] t1_jcqv57u wrote



Crypt_hoe_Bobby t1_jcqvw4d wrote

This post is about being productive and the covid thing may be true but it’s is pretty unrelated. It’s like if I posted “doesn’t apply after open heart surgery” like obviously it doesn’t apply to everyone.


MoreSleepLessWork t1_jcs262w wrote

Here’s the thing - people suffering from long Covid are often told they just need to get outside and exercise more, but that typically causes a horrible relapse that sends them to bed for 2-3 weeks. There are many thousands of people who are suffering daily, years after they’ve been exposed to Covid, and their families, friends, and doctors tell them to get more exercise because it’s all in their heads. But it’s not. So commenting on a post like this should not be dismissed or disrespected.