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Wackadoo-Bonkers t1_jdo3etd wrote

Nothing wrong with a early signal if no other turn is available. See that lane you wanna merge into and planning on swiftly flooring it with a .5 sec signal to follow? If you are thinking about merging signal it so every driver around you has multiple seconds to realize it. Makes for a safer experience. I share the sentiments of this post in My bones.


BareNuckleBoxingBear t1_jdoafmu wrote

Also way easier to get let in, changing lanes toss it on ASAP and lots of people will easy up or speed up to let you in


MajesticHandle2419 t1_jdo3ris wrote

An early turn signal is like a head start in Mario Kart, you may not need it but it always feels good to have it.


MoreSleepLessWork t1_jdom22d wrote

I was taught to start signaling at least ten “clicks” before your turn. Not sure how much time that is but it’s enough to notify everyone around you.


7loUge t1_jdpgc14 wrote

10km? Or am I misunderstanding a click?

If someone signaled that early I would assume they just forgot to turn their signal off. Which is annoying because there's no way of knowing if that car is going to change lanes or turn, or not.


LastTrainH0me t1_jdqcbfd wrote

I assume he meant the clicks your turn signal makes as it blinks on and off


Wackadoo-Bonkers t1_jdt98xs wrote

Exactly what I think he meant. But some clicks are hella slow and super fast. I’ve never heard of that as a measurement but it makes sense.


ChrisGeritol t1_jdo5g47 wrote

Let's make it easier. The turn signal goes on BEFORE you ever slow down. The signal is to SIGNAL that you are changing course (including speed).

While we are at it, if there is a continuous center turn lane, you put your turn signal on before moving to that center lane and you decrease speed only after your entire vehicle is in that center turn lane (this assumes there isn't another vehicle in that lane that would make this not reasonable).


Sozins_Comet_ t1_jdorf2h wrote

This is how my father taught me to drive. Only exception is when the separate turn lane is significantly short and you don't have enough space to slow down without slamming the breaks.


createusernametmrw t1_jdofjrj wrote

Yes! Especially the 2nd paragraph! Hardly anyone seems to follow that where I live.


I_dress_myself_ t1_jdq635m wrote

I would like to add that turn signal doesn’t give you the right of way so be careful.


LostMyKarmaElSegundo t1_jdr0gi9 wrote

I always explain it as a turn signal indicates your intention. If you don't signal until you're already doing the thing, it's not helpful.


HobbesNJ t1_jdo6qv5 wrote

Yes. Your turn signal should always be visible well before your foot touches the brake pedal.

This is so rare these days that it's very frustrating.


tony_boxacannoli t1_jdo3wzi wrote



*does not apply to BMW drivers.


kempff t1_jdo6ha2 wrote

Every state department of motor vehicles publishes a rules of the road booklet available for free at any licensing office, that gives guidelines on how far ahead you should activate your signal.


If you are coming out of a driveway never make assumptions about the signals of the cross-traffic: the drivers may be aiming for another driveway past you and you would cause an accident if you pull out in front of them. Source: real life.


MissingWhiskey t1_jdo7365 wrote

This is something I've drilled into my kids' heads. The turn signal does not mean they are turning. Only when they have already turned is it safe.


BlueTeale t1_jdo4gax wrote

Ah yes. Best LPT here.

LPT: Use silverware when eating. Wash hands after using bathroom


ChrisGeritol t1_jdo5ult wrote

>Ah yes. Best LPT here. > >LPT: Use silverware when eating. Wash hands after using bathroom

I know you're mocking, but the truth is that a lot of people don't use the turn signal correctly. Many just don't use it because they're assholes, but that's another story for another day.

Also, there are people who don't wash their hands after using the restroom. The majority of people do not properly wash their hands.


WickedCoolUsername t1_jdo7600 wrote

No, they don't, but we all know they've been told.


ChrisGeritol t1_jdo85ww wrote

They haven't actually. We learn to drive by watching the adults in our lives. If they teach us wrong, we don't know "better". Some people literally don't know they're doing it wrong, or at least that's the lie I tell myself to stay sane.


WickedCoolUsername t1_jdoc08e wrote

We learn from a handbook and take a test to prove we learned it where I'm from.


opaqueism t1_jdoba9m wrote

thank you. apparently the people need to hear it


ReformedWiggles t1_jdpmics wrote

I thought the signal was to say "Hey! I just switched lanes!" /s


keepthetips t1_jdo25hb wrote

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BigDamnZer0 t1_jdos0rj wrote

This goes double for merging on the freeway as well


SirX86 t1_jdq4rks wrote

First check if you can go, then signal, then go. Not signal, check, go and definitely not go, signal, check.

That's how I was taught to do it, but sometimes it feels like I am the only one who took driving lessons at all.


ChHeBoo t1_jdqddql wrote

Mirror, indicate, manoeuvre is how I learned. Check your mirrors: is it safe Let other drivers (& pedestrians) know what you’re doing Then, when/if it’s safe, make your move.

Although this takes a little forethought that’s often unseen on the roads today.


Sea_Ad_2533 t1_jdqgc4a wrote

Life pro tips: follow the rules of the road


hobie_sailor t1_jdqlzp1 wrote

Agreed!! In drivers ed I was taught to signal before you start braking for a turn. You would think it would allow people to make some room so they don’t have to slow down as much but nope 90% of driver are idiots.


CrazyThoughts2022 t1_jdqsbdo wrote

Can't stand assholes that don't use turn signals or use them after they start breaking.


FactsFromExperience t1_jdr5s4x wrote

It seems a lot of people do get upset about turn signal usage while other people really don't care but the problem is you really can't make it a blanket statement. When you're simply changing lanes on the roadway or the freeway then yes, all of the comments do apply and you should do it a little on the early side as opposed to the later side and especially not at the last minute. However, there is another time that some people lump into the same mentality which really doesn't matter and that's when you're driving along and one of the outermost lanes and a dedicated turn lane comes along.

There is really little point or need to have your turn signal on for five or six flashes before that lane comes into existence and you merge over into it. In fact, there's really no need at all for you to use your turn signal to enter that lane because if you're going with the flow of traffic to start with you simply move out of the way and the person behind you doesn't really care and they didn't need to know you were going to get over there.

Now, two ways that problems occur. The first would be when someone starts to slow down before they get to that lane which is not proper driving anyways. So at least if your turn signal was flashing they would know why you're slowing down but if you just drive appropriately and maintain the speed until that lane appears they wouldn't know nor would they care and they wouldn't need to see your turn signal because they don't need to know your intentions.

The second what actually be the other driver's fault anyways and this would be for someone would be going ahead and getting over into that lane themselves before the lane actually presents itself!

This is a real pet peeve of mine!!

It's not up to the front driver to signal their intentions that they're going to get over into that turn lane 200 ft before the turn lane so the person behind them who's also going to use the turn lane doesn't get over first but they would probably like it because that way may might not encroach on that person's face but it's really the person in the behinds fault.

Also, don't act like they need to know their intentions because people even do this on the on ramps to the freeway! They know that every car there is going to speed up and merge over onto the highway but STILL many people are so impatient that they will get over into the lane of freeway traffic crossing over the white striped lines and the cross hatched area way before they're supposed to and before the car in front of them does who is properly merging at the end of that on ramp approach lane. It's so bad that many of them will even speed up because obviously they're in a hurry anyways and often they will then Force the person who is already driving appropriately and merging onto the highway to now merge into them when they were originally behind that car!! It's absolutely ridiculous and I see it quite often.

It creates try to conundrum if there is an accident too because there's some technicalities because if they become a car in that lane of traffic regardless of how they got there, you're supposed to yield to them but it can all be about timing and without any proof or video of this it can be complicated and more than likely the person who was in front merging properly would be cited when the entire accident and situation was caused by a person behind who merged too early. Now note that none of this has anything to do with whether they use their turn signal early late or not at all. But when you're driving along and a dedicated turn lane approaches it's a moot point to use your turn signal unless some idiot who is behind you is trying to get into that lane before it begins inappropriately..


bannedfrombanning t1_jdodtva wrote

These threads are lame as fuck and must be generated by AI.
