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cheesysnipsnap t1_jeg3sm6 wrote

Or you record. "Hello,. Hello, hello,? Can you hear me?
I think the phones broken. Tell you what, leave a message at the tone and I'll get the phone fixed and call you back .


AwkwardHedgehog1984 t1_jeg6ruu wrote

I did this on purpose when I was in high school. Drove my father crazy. Teenagers are so dumb.


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jeg7564 wrote

Reminds me of the running joke from Archer. He always has a different voicemail message that trolls whoever calls him.


RubiksSugarCube t1_jeg7ap4 wrote

Nah, you got to take it one step further. Start off with "Hello" then pause a few seconds and say "oh hey, how's it going" then give it a few more seconds before you let the caller know it's a voicemail greeting.


YuraJabroni t1_jeg2fu4 wrote

*Woosh. That’s…the point of the joke. I still think it’s childish, but this is a tip for nimrods.


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jeg2ser wrote

Are you suggesting there aren't people dumb enough to do this without intending it as a joke? Because I can 100% assure you there are. Many of them. A lot of my work is over the phone and I encounter this daily.


YuraJabroni t1_jeg5d3m wrote

Yes, I am telling you people aren’t that dumb. They do it intentionally. I’m thinking you might be the idiot for failing to recognize that.


ttermayhem t1_jeg95ze wrote

Did OP just display how obtuse and thoughtless they are?


YuraJabroni t1_jegatvh wrote

It’s quite sad tbh. I hope OP gains some perspicacity going forward.


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jeghmq9 wrote

Using sock puppet accounts to masturbate in comments sections isn't a good look either.


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jeg614b wrote

You must be new to this planet, because you have no idea how obtuse and thoughtless the human race actually is. Some people say hello then do a little haha gotcha, but loads of them, especially older people, do it without realizing what will happen.


YuraJabroni t1_jeg7hji wrote

Your use of italics and bolded words make you look like a crazy person. You’re really not as smart as you think you’re coming across. Do yourself a favor and stop digging into a deeper hole.


ttermayhem t1_jeg7oal wrote

Is this advice or a vent? And I’ll tell you this: anyone so impatient and prone to being pissed off that they get upset at saying hello to my voicemail is someone I’m happy to not do anymore business with. Work on your anger issues and watch your profits grow.


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jeg87av wrote

It's annoying. Why annoy people when you don't have to?


ttermayhem t1_jeg8kvj wrote

What you need to ask yourself is: why am I so easily annoyed?? Like I said, work on your anger issues and watch things improve.


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jeg94ag wrote

So your boss or a client, someone who you have no authority over but whom you need to work with, calls you and they mention that they had to repeat themselves and found it annoying, your response to them is: What you need to ask yourself is: why am I so easily annoyed?? Work on your anger issues and watch things improve. B U L L S H I T. You'd apologize and rethink the message like any normal person open to valid criticism.


ttermayhem t1_jeg9lnm wrote

Haha. No one else on earth gets so easily upset at this. And I doubt I will ever find myself working for you. And if I worked for anyone like that, I would quit (which I have). In addition to your anger, work on your self-respect as well.


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jegauyq wrote

Since we're giving advice, work on your consideration for other people. Like leaving your cart in the parking lot this is something that requires the most minuscule effort to correct, but could frustrate and annoy other people. Why be an asshole when you can just not? Why test people's patience? You said you refuse to work with people who can be annoyed; what gives you the right to hold people up to your made-up standards for patience. In life we often have to interact with people who we may personally dislike for whatever reason. Some people are prickly and impatient. Some people are just having a bad day and little things can make it worse. Why be that little thing if you can avoid it.

Go in peace.


YuraJabroni t1_jegblee wrote

You’re missing the point. Recognize that there’s inconsiderate people out there and that these minor inconveniences shouldn’t get you so upset.


ttermayhem t1_jegcxic wrote

You, me, and everyone else is serving up this perfect point, but it’s just pissing him off!


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jegdaiz wrote

Who says it makes me "so upset." It's a minor nuisance that I describe as "annoying." But some people, like executives, big money clients, and just people with short fuses are set off by minor nuisances in ways normal down-to-earth people are not, and make their agitation known. The point of my post, as written, is that one ought not do this on their voicemail lest they perhaps end up ticking off someone they'll wish they hadn't ticked off. It's just a bit of advice, and genuine advice based on experience. Getting voicemail at all is frustrating, especially when a call is important. Why add to it? There's literally no logical reason whatsoever to do that.


ttermayhem t1_jegcro9 wrote

“What gives you the right to hold people up to your made-up standards of practice” Like not saying hi in a voicemail? I didn’t say I wouldn’t work for someone who didn’t get annoyed. I said I wouldn’t work for someone who made it a big problem for me when they did. And the shopping cart thing is so ad-hoc and straw man that I won’t even give you a hard time about it.


ProblemLongjumping12 OP t1_jegdosh wrote

Like every LPT this is just well meant advice. It's annoying and people doing it may not realize that. Why be annoying if you don't have to. Don't like my advice, don't take it. Cheers.


SadArchon t1_jeg399l wrote

Suck it cold callers


keepthetips t1_jeg1rya wrote

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