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SteezinMcBreezin t1_jectmqw wrote

What are some good April fools jokes/pranks?


grudrookin t1_jeday3r wrote

The one I pulled last year was a sign on the printer saying it had an update and was now voice-activated.

I didn't think it would work until I heard someone say "print" a couple times...


amydaynow t1_jedi0j2 wrote

I did that one at work a few years ago.

I got the head of IT to fall for it. "Hey, look at the new feature on the printer. I think [name of other IT guy] made it happen."


hum_dum t1_jed26v4 wrote

Another tech one I’m planning on using: My girlfriend has custom icons for the apps on her iPhone, all powered through the Shortcuts app. By going in and changing the contents of each shortcut, you can make it so that clicking on “Maps” opens up the phone, clicking on “Phone” opens Safari, whatever.

Still trying to decide if I’m going to set each app randomly or use some sort of pattern, though. Maybe set each one to the app next to it, so it looks like the screen needs to be calibrated?


maiden_burma t1_jecvxl1 wrote

here are some harmless tech ones if someone leaves a computer unattended, go to this website and press f11 and close the welcome window. It will look like their pc is running windows xp. If they try to mess with it, it will do a few things and then revert to normal. There are a bunch of fun other ones there also again, if they leave the pc unattended, go to this website and press f11. Will look like their computer forced an update makes the screen look broken. press f11


maiden_burma t1_jecwv29 wrote

install word replacer 2 on an unsuspecting friend's computer and then replace a word or phrase with a different one


switch all instances of your to you're and vice versa

mess up their, they're, and there

change your own first name to something it's not