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spydersens t1_jcuexpv wrote

The idea here is that you are only playing the losing side by trying to avoid rejection. I rode with that crowd for a while; dressing up in black to seem dark and dangerous. You can't hide in plain sight. You inevitably just meet like minded people who are dark or are stark and alone. Either way camping a joyous or bleak position is unrealistic; just go with the flow. Sometimes people will break your heart or disagree and sometimes they'll feed your endeavors and validate your ideas, it's a crazy world.

Meanwhile you say that you want to be alone while chatting through your computer, so you seek some type of validation even for your sensibilities about it being good to be a loner in order to isolate yourself from random outcomes. Our conversation hasn't exactly gone the way you expected it and you still bravely pursued the discussion. So why not face that challenge in person with people? Not all of them are out to judge you; we just disagree and do what's best for us sometimes. Without having you sacrifice anything major, I hope that you feel less isolated in time. We speak the same language, we have the same challenges as a species, you'd be surprised how few people get by on their own. Challenges everywhere, including the challenge of perspective and meeting others half-way. Take care.