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misanthrope2327 t1_iube65i wrote

This describes me well, though maybe not quite as severe as what you describe.

Honestly, the best I ever feel is after 2 beers and a little weed. It gets me out of my own head, I feel like I can speak and be quick on my feet when I'm not normally. I can speak without having to think about the exact words I'm going to say - just knowing what I want to say it's enough. YMMV.


rwtr00 OP t1_iubg5u4 wrote

Ha. Nothing not legal and couldn't turn up to work high in any event. Glad it's working out for you!


misanthrope2327 t1_iubpkx0 wrote

Haha well it's legal here, but yeah, not good for work. I always substituted lots of caffeine, and I've recently been diagnosed ADHD, and those meds help a lot too