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thepopularpoplar t1_iuc5mek wrote

I experience this a lot. I’ve never been on medication so no improvement there. I’ll know exactly what I want to say but can’t articulate the words. I can’t recall certain details about shows, movies or books even though I just watched or read them, and my short term memory is awful unless I immediately write something down in detail. It’s really embarrassing 🙁


myaccountislike t1_iucyrao wrote

See a speech language pathologist and neurologist to rule out disorder


rwtr00 OP t1_iucxv4k wrote

Yep this is exactly it. I remember bumping into a friend on the train while i was reading. They asked if i was enjoying it and all i could say was, yep it's really good - and they just replied 'ok' and chuckled.