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Affectionate-Ad438 t1_iu5q2jc wrote

Based on the comments, a better LPT would be to get to know your service providers and other members of your community.

"They don't deserve a tip because they're just doing their job" reveals how many think of these people - not as possible friends, or valuable connections to be made, but just as someone who is serving you. I know we all have our own lives and it may be difficult to build a relationship with them, especially if they don't come to your door. A holiday card with a tip can be left even if you don't see each other, and might open up communication. It shouldn't be used as a way to try to get better service - although that would probably happen naturally if you build a relationship.

You're going to get a lot further in life ( and help others get further too) if you make a point to network and build relationships with the people around you.