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wildadragon t1_iu2gv06 wrote

Unpopular opinion, but they're paid to do the job already. I don't know my mailperson(they apmost never get out of the truck ooen the mailbox door, slide mail in, close door), and I don't have a water or milkman where are you 1950?


Radicalkoopa t1_iu2obr2 wrote

In urban Canada the mail carriers don't even go to your house anymore. There's a community box they put the mail in and you gotta get it yourself.


bennettski21 OP t1_iu2hf49 wrote

Lol, I get regular 5 gal water deliveries. I always just leave mine in a little envelope and put a note on it for them. They work hard and are exposed to the elements all year. Just nice thing to do, your opinion is your opinion, no hard feelings either way.


wildadragon t1_iu2hphv wrote

That's the job they chose to do, and most ive met are doing the bare minimum these days which is fine.


bennettski21 OP t1_iu2i1o7 wrote

You’re right they did choose it. But again a little token of appreciation could go a long ways and you could get more than the bare minimum going forward. I have no say in your opinions. No reason to argue about it, just do you


Liamvarg1 t1_iu2nhcl wrote

What exactly is going above and beyond for a mailman


Tedstor t1_iu2ishj wrote

I tip the trash collectors.

Few people in your life are as important when you think about it.


No_big_whoop t1_iu3kygo wrote

My trash collector drives a truck with a robot arm that grabs the can, dumps it and places it back on the ground. I have never even seen the driver’s face


Lost-Topic- t1_iu4pahj wrote

My trash truck driver is the same way. If something falls on the ground. He’s not picking it up. Something beside the trash can? Not his problem.


bennettski21 OP t1_iu2iv7d wrote

Never even crossed my mind. They are certainly deserved of so


Various_Succotash_79 t1_iu2ipl4 wrote

Mail carriers are sort-of-federal employees and are not supposed to take cash tips or gifts over $20. So if you want to tip them, get them a $20 gift card or some cookies/candy. Well, gift cards are kind of a gray area, but are usually allowed. A restaurant gift card would be more acceptable than a Visa gift card, etc. Alcohol is not allowed on duty, even unopened in their vehicle.

I'm not sure about UPS or FedEx drivers.

But I used to deliver newspapers and really appreciated those tips!


Gonrag23 t1_iu4lz6h wrote

Water and milk man? I’m just curious where you live.


bennettski21 OP t1_iu4mbne wrote

Central IL, honestly getting higher quality water del in 5 gal jugs for a cooler is worth it. But the only people I know of that get milk deliveries are upper middle class people. They come in glass jugs from oberweiss (spell check)


keepthetips t1_iu2gdjl wrote

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Affectionate-Ad438 t1_iu5q2jc wrote

Based on the comments, a better LPT would be to get to know your service providers and other members of your community.

"They don't deserve a tip because they're just doing their job" reveals how many think of these people - not as possible friends, or valuable connections to be made, but just as someone who is serving you. I know we all have our own lives and it may be difficult to build a relationship with them, especially if they don't come to your door. A holiday card with a tip can be left even if you don't see each other, and might open up communication. It shouldn't be used as a way to try to get better service - although that would probably happen naturally if you build a relationship.

You're going to get a lot further in life ( and help others get further too) if you make a point to network and build relationships with the people around you.