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DivvySUCKS t1_itz23az wrote

Jam on the brakes to leave a lot of room in front of you thereby causing the person behind you to rear end you when they may not otherwise. Sweet tip bro.


zapdado2002 OP t1_iu0vq6e wrote

how you achieve the distance is up to u my guy. you do u


DivvySUCKS t1_iu50x99 wrote

"you do you" is such a smarmy, condescending, backhanded phrase.

So you give a shitty tip, a bunch of people call it out as a shitty tip, and then you make an edit to say no one understands the point. Personally I would just admit that it's not a great tip, but hey, you do you.


zapdado2002 OP t1_iu64dtc wrote

Oh plenty people understood the point. Ur one of the rare few people who completely missed it.


DivvySUCKS t1_iu66nzq wrote

So rare that you needed to add an edit? Oh sweetie...