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GoodGoodGoody t1_iug2do2 wrote

Pick one habit and stick with it, eg never adding additional white sugar to food or drinks. Stick with it. Once it’s part of your lifestyle, you can either build on it (eating and drinking fewer foods with sugar already in them) or branch out, eg not adding salt to any food. Then expand to perhaps smaller portions, or replacing something better for something worse.

Start small but be consistent.

The key is it’s fun to feel the excitement of motivation but it’s really the simple repetition of something becoming habit, literally becoming part of who you are.

The single best example is any obese person; how they got fat doesn’t matter as all fat is the same whether carried past pregnancy, poor eating, no activity, whatever. Doesn’t matter.

The ‘failures’ will make a big deal about summer beach bodies or New Years resolutions and slam the gym hard for a week or buy miracle gadgets. But the one’s who not only lose weight but keep it off, start with the simplest thing and once they no longer have to think about it (discipline replaced by habit) they add another simple item.

Enthusiasm won’t get you there but adopting successive good habits will.

Changing a mindset is just repetition, step by step.