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lphill1225 t1_iugpf1y wrote

I don’t know who all on your Dad’s side you are comparing against, but good jobs and stable life are things that come over time. They don’t just appear one day in your early to mid-twenties.

It may look like they have it all together now but adult you wasn’t around when your dad was 26. You only hear about how he viewed himself at 26, and maybe even then it’s a skewed version to try and make you work harder.

I am certainly not 26 anymore… but I still don’t feel like I am succeeding day-to-day. But when I look back to the days when I was ending each month with $3-$25 in the bank (incidentally, not long before I was 26), I see that my life now has stabilized a lot from then.

There will always be room to grow and improve, but using some of the advice in other replies to help you accept where you are now as a valid place to be can help make each day feel better.

I wish you the best of luck and I believe you can change your mindset with practice!