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phreaKEternal t1_iugtpdx wrote

It’s a choice. You must approach situations looking for what you can learn. Sometimes it’s not until after it’s all over.

You must also free yourself of the fear of failure. Understand that growth only happens once you push yourself into discomfort. If you want a concrete example, consider muscles. When you work out, you’re actually causing micro tears in your muscles, which when filled with protein afterwards while you sleep turn into bigger muscles, and your brain develops the ability to recruit more of the actual muscle into future movements.

If you look at ultimate personal success as gaining experience and learning, then you aren’t unsuccessful till you start messing up the same thing in the same way. In a results based environment this can be tough so you’ll want to raise your threshold of acceptable performance to match. I for one though work in an extremely demanding high stakes arena and have always learned more through my mistakes and missteps than my perfect iterations.