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DorianGre t1_iuguiy4 wrote

You have to have a plan, then execution.

Pick something- anything- as a goal. Want to be an entrepreneur or attorney? Make a list of steps to accomplish then put them on the calendar. You need monthly financial, personal, and professional goals. You have to track them. I update net worth spreadsheet every friday when the market closes and for each columni know what I need to make to hit my goal.

Financial, personal, and professional goals - Each need a 1 month, 1 year, and 5 year plan. When you accomplish your one month goal in three weeks, you use the extra week to get ahead. But, and this is important, you never miss your monthly goal. You do whatever it takes to get it done.

The thing you pick doesnt have to be your calling or your life’s ambition, just something you are interested in and will get you to your 1 year and 5 year goals. I goal set Feb. 15 every year. Success is a habit. some success takes connections. Some take studying. They all take hard work.

For instance You want to go into sales? Take one VP from a local company out to lunch every 2 weeks. You want to build a marketing business online? Late night studying techniques and practicing with a product you are buying in bulk from China.

After a while, you become efficient with your time and success just becomes a habit.

Tell me where you are on these three things now and where you want to be, and I will show you how to make it happen.

Here is a story. 3 years ago I was happy. manager of software dev for a billion dollar company. I could have sat in that seat for a decade. air wasn’t helping me hit my financial goals. So, i made a level up plan to double my already high salary in 5 years. Made a plan. I needed new skills in AI and ML and connection. So, i applied to every ms program in Cs in the top 10 rankings. Landed at # 6. Working my ass off at work and class now. they offer me a TA position. Since class is remote, I make a group with every person in my state. I leverage that to get recommended into 2 fortune 500s, do inteeviws, get 2 offers.Take one, 60% pay increase. we are just stating year 3 of my plan. I spend all the time i have to network, learn, and perform. 18 months later, I have an offer from another company that is 38% more than my current pay. From deciding to “level up my career” and double my pay, it took 3 years, 6 months of the original 5 year plan. My new salary is more than doubled.

Goal, plan, ecxecution. That’s all it takes