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mysoncallsmeold t1_iuis4rt wrote

You have to make plans (start with one, one you are relatively sure you can accomplish even if it's just getting up at 5:00 a.m. for a wee), work towards the plan, rework the plan when the plan shifts (as they will), create a new plan maybe have plans upon plans and so it goes and goes through your entire life! Some plans won't work out or you'll hate where you end up and guess what, you are allowed and encouraged to make a new plan! The awareness and wisdom are going to grow from living life, learning from others and working life plans. :-)

Spend some time reading, talking to others, watching videos of careers or life endeavors you are interested in to possibly find your first idea. If you want to be a (fill in the blank) you have to get around that type of work or people to absorb the knowledge.

Good luck!!! You can do anything you set your mind to! You can get anywhere step by step.