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Restin_in_Pizza t1_isu2ud7 wrote

Go to class and do the work. Yes, you should make new friends, go to parties, and have fun, but your main job is school. It's too easy to get caught up in the freedom of living on your own, but if you flunk out, you're back home, your parents are mad, and you've wasted a ton of money.


twotall88 t1_istx8l0 wrote

Don't look back. You'll learn from your mistakes, don't fear about making them (just don't be a criminal).


SkiingWithMySweety t1_isvqtt8 wrote

Pay all your bills on time.

Don’t take part in wicked schemes.

Eat all your leftovers.

Trust but verify.

If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Always.

Check your engine oil on every fill up.

Call your parents every Sunday evening.


keepthetips t1_istwu4v wrote

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Susccmmp t1_istxowd wrote

Buy extra towels


ricardo9505 t1_isu3iix wrote

Learn to cook. Learn from any cooks in your family.


Desert_Damsel t1_isu4uzq wrote

"Neither a lender or a borrower be.", Bill Shakespeare.


10mmsocketsaplenty t1_isuq431 wrote

Everything in baby steps.

Thinking about all the new things you are expected to do with classes, cooking, cleaning, travel, and people, can seem overwhelming. For now, keep your sights short. Get through one day, with a plan for just that, then tomorrow. After a few days, plan the week. As you do this over and over, it'll become 2nd nature and you can allow your mind to work on the other "problems" like laundry, and personal relationships. Watch what your peers are doing and learn from them, they don't have to be people you know but you can watch what they are doing and decide if you are comfortable imitating. If you're not comfortable, DON"T DO IT! Everyone grows at their own pace, you do what you feel is right.


penguinuendo t1_isvsqu8 wrote

Duck drugs, Dip into extracuriculars, Dodge bad relationships, Dive into the work, and Duck stds. Go to class, all of them.


Mikeinthedirt t1_isw1ml1 wrote

Trust everyone but cut the cards. It is REAL EASY to lose focus. There are, in fact, people out there who will expend an enormous amount of effort to help you dis-focus, for fairly obscure reasons that are ALL not in your best interests. Not that the World Is Big And Bad but it is…pretty big. And there’s an unkind amount of bad. But your heart will steer you right, just listen to it! Enough morality tale. Watch your money, student loans often come in mouthwatering lumps that can lead you astray. Dammit, THAT’s the last of the morality tales. College is not like HS AT ALL. No one is gonna ride your butt to make sure you’re dotting all your bases and tagging all your ‘T’s. Schiesse. More morality tale. I give up. You’re a smart lad*, just remember that body has to last you another 60 years!