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visitprattville t1_iu3hvc7 wrote

No! Mouthwash is a risk for oral cancer.


rcx918 t1_iu3n6tw wrote

Did you even read this?


visitprattville t1_iu49hkg wrote

Listerine, a mouthrinse composed of a mixture of essential oils, was created in 1879 and was originally formulated as a surgical antiseptic. In spite of its known antimicrobial properties it was thought of as a product in search of a use and promoted as a deterrent for halitosis and as a floor cleaner.


rcx918 t1_iu4djsf wrote

What's that have to do with facts?


PrisonerV t1_iu3wbfv wrote

You might want to re-read this study.

Also, they make non-alcohol based mouthwash if you are concerned (which you appear to be) even though there is no evidence for your concern.