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jamaniman t1_itg3cf8 wrote

I don't agree that you're differentiating sellers (who instill a false sense of urgency) from scam artists. They are the same people fundamentally, just one practice is socially accepted and one is not.


Kyadagum_Dulgadee t1_itgtz6y wrote

That is ridiculous and overly reductive. Someone selling you the actual product you are looking for is not a scam artist. If someone walked in to my shop looking for a safari holiday, I offered them the best safari holiday within the budget they wanted. I would also make them aware of better options for more money, if they wanted that.

A scam artist is a thief. They are not the same.


throw4jklfj t1_ith7ut6 wrote

>Someone selling you the actual product you are looking for is not a scam artist.

Except most salespeople aren't happy to just sell you what you are looking for. They will happily fool you into spending more than you desired to get extras or other products that you really don't want or need. They're marginally better in that they aren't outright stealing your money, but not by much. The incentives attract the worst kind of people, and there is no incentive for upper management to reel them in when they prey upon people vulnerable to their manipulation.