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letsgotoNYC t1_iud0mxb wrote

This is one of those things that is so small it seems insignificant, but in reality makes a HUGE, huge impact on the person.


MooplesMoop OP t1_iud0ura wrote

Yep. Definitely. I remember once a friend did it for me years ago. Was just a simple, gesture that showed that I was valued.


SirPickelTooth t1_iue99su wrote

Years ago some friends and I went to a theme park and I was exhausted from all the walking and I was falling behind. One of my friends actually said where is so and so(me) and asked if I was ok and waited up for me. Such a kind gesture.


Ilovethe90sforreal t1_iudm12i wrote

Many times I’ve literally been left behind by “friends” without a second thought. That shit stings.


-Le-Frog- t1_iuducpv wrote

I know the feeling man, it really does seem so insignificant but it matters hugely when people don't wait


Givemeurhats t1_iue2pdz wrote

This was posted here by someone else yesterday, but their version had: "and wait for them to decide when to start walking again". Is this really a life pro tip? Does this make you a pro at life?

Being considerate isn't be something you constantly have to be conscious of or worried about, you just be considerate. That's simply it. Put yourself in their shoes. You don't need to have a tip for every little situation to try to make yourself look like a good person.


posas85 t1_iuekb2c wrote

Most of these Life Pro-Tips are born from someone being slighted and coming on here to vent.


Alex-infinitum t1_iuemo32 wrote

Or outright manipulative people, look how OP used the word "demonstrate". You don't demonstrate you are kind and humble, you are kind and humble.


TheloniusDump t1_iudi95t wrote

"hey uhh I appreciate you waiting but I was looking to get away from you guys for a few minutes"


-Le-Frog- t1_iudu883 wrote

Happened to me when I joined my new class after having to repeat a school year, in class sitting next to some people, they were friendly and stuff, but once the bell rang and we headed off to next class, nobody waited. It doesn't feel great :(


cyborg_unicorn t1_iue5262 wrote

I remember in high school when I would hang out with the people I considered to be friends, and I would always end up at the back of the group while walking, or just outside the circle when stationary. I eventually got into the (probably bad) habit of not saying anything and leaving because no one ever gave a shit. It would have made a HUGE difference had someone waited for me.

And for the person suggesting you walk faster: I am a fast walker. I'm just also socially awkward and was very much not confident about myself back then.


bdbdbokbuck t1_iudu5t0 wrote

Another LPT, if you get lost, stay put and let the group come find you.


boozername t1_iuegvov wrote

I went to a friend of a friend's birthday pub crawl, and there was one person there who had difficulty keeping up with the group. My friend and I seemed to be the only ones who noticed she was falling behind, so we hung back with her and said we were enjoying the leisurely walk and the nice weather. Felt bad for her, the birthday girl didn't seem to notice at all. We were blocks behind the group at some points in the night.


JeromeMixTape t1_iuda0d4 wrote

Unless you are walking through a crowd a Glastonbury festival. Once you slow down ur done. See u in 3 days buddy.


smufontherun t1_iudmr00 wrote

LPT1. Let's be nice and wait.

LPT2. Walk faster.


PocketNicks t1_iuel0av wrote

Life Pro Tip, if you're out with a group and you fall behind, walk faster and catch up to the group so they don't need to slow down for you. It is a simple way to be kind and show you put others first.


greenknight884 t1_iuf0fcb wrote

Do people just leave their friends behind? I don't understand the mindset where you go out with a group and feel it is acceptable to keep partying when one of your group is missing


keepthetips t1_iud05dz wrote

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MaximumSpinach t1_iud0qrr wrote

What if that's the person the group wants to get away from?


MooplesMoop OP t1_iud0xcf wrote

Even more reason to wait. Never feels good to be excluded.


942man t1_iud21fo wrote

This is really a life pro tip?


Asteroid577 t1_iudfgt5 wrote

i had that friend, honestly one of my favourite people ever. sucks that i moved places, i still regularly talk to him so that's great atleast.


payfrit t1_iue0tjh wrote

what's the proper way to let them know you're a selfish asshole...?


LeftHandLuke01 t1_iue2nb6 wrote

Predators look for individuals that get separated from the herd.


otm7171 t1_iue9grn wrote

Keep up or keep in touch!


Zingledot t1_iuenki6 wrote

Bro, why you hanging out with the slows?


ArsyX t1_iuetx97 wrote

LPT: never show that you're kind and put others first.


bdbdbokbuck t1_iudtxao wrote

If we waited around for my 80 yo FIL, we’d never get anywhere. He wanders incessantly. When we need to locate him, we just call his cellphone.


n3wernam3 t1_iudcnlo wrote

Then when they catch up tell them get with it and keep up


thotosaur t1_iud7asr wrote

Isn’t this obvious lol


-Le-Frog- t1_iuduffz wrote

You'd think but it's happened to me and many others here in the comments


terribleinvestment t1_iudsa5a wrote

Then when they catch up, let them decide when to keep going— they’re probably lagging behind because they’re winded.
