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crazybutthole t1_ittoyt6 wrote

Sorry. But i have to ask.

Why does this matter to you?

Just delete your linked in account and move on. Who cares?

If you want a new job get indeed. If not just stay at your current job. Its fine.


[deleted] OP t1_ittp50y wrote



J0hnnyTyrant t1_ittq3b5 wrote

So basically you sent shit about minorities and supporting trump and then got in to a compromising position and now you want help? That about it?


[deleted] OP t1_ittq85e wrote



Independent_Tone8605 t1_ittpoio wrote

LOL Susie the Executive Assistant has a lot more sway and power than you realize. Executive Assistants are the gatekeepers.

And the seed has been planted because you were publicly that person, even if you were just pretending to be. Going forward, don’t do it. If these powerful people interact with a lot of others, they probably barely noticed you. If they did, then you’ve made your bed, and there’s not much you can do about it.


[deleted] OP t1_ittpyak wrote



ejpierle t1_ittsagg wrote

>billionaire heirs and the article also said that billionaires basically use the system to set up their heirs with unfair advantages.

But... That's true. There's no shame in saying things that are true. It sounds like you are worried because you said the truth and someone won't like you bc of that.