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Sp0ilersSweetie t1_iuc850q wrote

In the supermarket I go to in the UK, they lend out plastic tokens that fit the coin slots


beeykr t1_iudqie0 wrote

In the netherlands they just give them for free


phrobot t1_iudrxt0 wrote

Where I live, nobody steals shopping carts, so they’re not locked.


bewitchedbumblebee t1_iuedao1 wrote

"Where I live, nobody steals shopping carts, so they’re not locked."

It's not aimed at preventing shopping cart theft.

The goal is to motivate shoppers to return their cart to the where it belongs, rather than having carts scattered all throughout the parking lot.


MackeyH t1_iuggkbb wrote

And it works well too. If I’m feeling lazy I leave the cart (hell, it’s a quarter) and someone’s more than happy to take it back. Seriously.


keepthetips t1_iuc6zth wrote

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ballslaptastic t1_iuc7ye1 wrote

Where I live, they have a nill changer / coin machine right next to the locked carts.


RikNinja t1_iuc9uyh wrote

I used to work at Aldi. When someone says that, I'd tell them we sell tokens for a dollar.. They then say, I don't have any change.. Then I say, you can pay with your card! Lol


brntGerbil t1_iudnm11 wrote

That's one way to convince me to never come back...