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rollerkitten97 t1_iu2qysd wrote

THIS IS A SCAM! If you change the URL before the dot you're going to a completely different website. Phishing websites do this all the time! Like or instead of


HobbesNJ t1_iu2rg4b wrote

Then when you "log on" you are providing your login info directly to the scammer.


halfsieapsie t1_iu2rhaa wrote

Urls arent case sensitive though


rollerkitten97 t1_iu2rrb2 wrote

I'm not sure what you mean by that


Donkey_Karate t1_iu2s2lx wrote

Mean big letters and little letters doesn't matter

Edit: uppercase / lowercase, hence case sensitive


rollerkitten97 t1_iu2sbrv wrote

At first I had no clue what you guys were talking about. Then I saw that my phone autocorrected the gooogle because it's so close to regular Google. WHICH IS THE POINT!


Lizardk1 t1_iu2q3na wrote

Or just use an Adblock….


burr_nick t1_iu2sjl4 wrote

I tried this but got redirected to Pornhub


MoTav05 OP t1_iu2sp97 wrote

Well, the tech guy at my school gave my entire class this trick during a presentation and it worked just fine.


ww11gunny t1_iu63ega wrote

Well the tech guy at your school as roughly the same intelligence as a rock. Actually I take that back the rock is probably smarter because it has never said anything as stupid as that.


bias99 t1_iu691oe wrote

Another day, another LPT telling us how to get rid of YouTube ads


Flair_Helper t1_iu7v7rp wrote

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keepthetips t1_iu2pwv9 wrote

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