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inthe801 t1_iu0h49r wrote

Become rich and successful yourself, then you will meet many.


neomattlac OP t1_iu0hhq6 wrote

Cruel cycle. I want to learn their habits so I can become rich, but I can't learn their habits unless I pay and/or get rich first.


inthe801 t1_iu0igqr wrote

Most self-made successful people follow three rules. 1. Work hard in your own interest (not in the interest of others) 2. Spend smart 3. Take smart risks. I would suggest reading books and watching speeches of successful people.


romanceordelusion t1_iu0tcpo wrote

I don’t think picking up habits will make you rich. Rich folks were often born into it, studied and have good careers, and invest


petdance t1_iu15cpk wrote

So really, the question should be “how do I become rich”? You are assuming that a way to do that is by being around them and copying their habits.


Original-Ad-4642 t1_iu0l4b2 wrote

“Set out to make friends, and you’ll find them scarce. Set out to be a friend and you’ll find them everywhere.” -Zig Ziglar


lordTigas t1_iu0jigb wrote

Be born in a rich and successful family


MinorIrritant t1_iu0i43j wrote

Rich and successful people became that way by not wasting their time on you and me.


htownlifer t1_iu0ia14 wrote

Find out where they volunteer and donate your time. They are often members of professional organizations. Join these and go to the events.


Equal_Replacement_81 t1_iu0kf96 wrote

Get a job as a waiter/waitress/hostess at a fancy upscale restaurant….become a wine connoisseur, golf caddy?

I have no ideal, just blurting out stereotypical things that rich people may like to do.


Clear_Ad_7899 t1_iu11gn0 wrote

im not trying to be an asshole here but, given that you know you can reap benefits by associating and acquainting yourself with the rich, you could also just deduce your own answer. OP set a 5 minute timer, close your eyes and imagine yourself congregating with the 1%. Where are you? Repeat as needed.


neomattlac OP t1_iu12k1c wrote

I don't think you're an asshole for that. That's a legit answer.


keepthetips t1_iu0gxwp wrote

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Harkibon18 t1_iu0lqou wrote

Work in real-estate or any job where the majority of your customer base will be well-off people.


CompleteBreakfast672 t1_iu14is5 wrote

Figure out their routine and get inside their house while they're not home, then simply wait.


gomarcho t1_iu1ffb0 wrote

If you were rich would you seek out less financed individuals? I guess that all depends on motive.


UnsaltedGL t1_iu23ey3 wrote

u/neomattlac Let's clarify what you mean by rich and successful. Do you mean net worth over a $1 million and an income over $250k (roughly top 5%) or do you mean wealthy, net worth over $25 million and annual income over $1 million (top 1%)? Or do you mean super-wealthy (top .1%)? The reason I ask is that there are lots of successful people in the first category who might be accessible to you. Many small business owners fit the first category even though you might not think they do. Each of the groups I've outlined runs in different circles and have different levels of accessibility.

Based on this thread I don't think you want to just meet them, it sounds like you want to interact with them and learn from them. That isn't going to happen if you have a one-time social interaction. You need a mechanism by which you are engaging with them on a regular basis so that you get to know them. Depending on the group you are targeting, the approach is going to be different. Let us know your goal and we can give you a path you might follow.


EffYOUGreggAbbot t1_iu2este wrote

Leaving your house is a good start... (note to self....)


bicycles_sunset t1_iu2ursa wrote

Read books by them, but better to read books of the wise instead. Usually not the same.


chauvk86 t1_iu3pkab wrote

Go to fancy events, socialize with the attendees. Example: August Haven (expensive furniture boutique) hosts live music events


Empe_Fun_Essential t1_iu4qf1z wrote

By changing your mindset and deleting your thoughts that stop you from acting.


neomattlac OP t1_iu0h3g2 wrote

I would like to make friends with successful people, because I believe that is how I pick up good habits the easiest. Any suggestions on how and where to meet them?
