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bestofwhatsleft t1_iuixm0t wrote

Her: Why did you yell 456.44 when you came?

Him: No reason...


IronHe t1_iuix4kb wrote

So what you’re saying is to think about math instead of your partner and your partners needs. Got it. I tip my fedora to you my lord.


fatelectrobooom t1_iuixdn3 wrote

Yea. Much rather would burn my dick from masturbating to get desensitized than do this


solcroft t1_iuixmye wrote

You're gonna be at a point in the process where lasting as long as possible IS taking care of your partner's needs. That's when you bust out this LPT.


Important-Aside-507 t1_iuizuji wrote

I don’t think most men have this issue. If you can’t last long enough to please your partner thats a YOU issue. It doesn’t happen often.


NormalPaYtan t1_iuj07j9 wrote

>If you can’t last long enough to please your partner thats a YOU issue

And this LPT could be the solution - or are men not supposed to solve their problems/issues?


Important-Aside-507 t1_iuj0ld6 wrote

I never said men didn’t have issues they couldn’t solve. I’m saying this is a deeper issue. If you cannot last long enough to please your partner that you go to counting, which is only going to distract you from pleasing your partner, then maybe you need to find help in a different place, that isn’t doing math.


NormalPaYtan t1_iuj2g7p wrote

Is there some kind of "straight camp" but for men who can't last in bed?

I can personally go on for a pretty long while if I focus on the "mechanics" of the sex (enough to please my wife), but if I adjust my mindset to focus on my own pleasure I cum in a matter of seconds - and if I didn't know how to jump between those mindsets I don't know what I would do.

Therefore I don't see how counting is in any way WORSE than premature ejaculation. Would you care to elaborate what your solution is?


Important-Aside-507 t1_iuj4kh5 wrote

Exactly. You don’t distract yourself with math and numbers, you focus on your partner and making them happy. That’s all I mean to say. If I’m with someone who’s so busy trying to just last forever instead of making me happy, I’d be upset. It sounds like the goal is to last as long as possible instead of just make each other happy.


solcroft t1_iuj38q0 wrote

That's great for you. Statistically, though, men typically last around five minutes in bed, while women typically take around thirteen minutes to climax. Additionally, women can orgasm multiple times in a row, which means that the duration of sex is typically limited by male endurance.

Now, statistically, you could be outperforming the average male, in which case hats off to you. More likely than not, on the other hand, you're either suffering from an inflated perception of your own performance, or your female partners are misleading you about their degree of satisfaction and you can stand to perform better.


Important-Aside-507 t1_iuj441o wrote

Considering I’m a female neither are correct. I’m just saying that distraction from your partner by math is going to frustrate them. Statistically men don’t last long sure, but in practice I’ve never seen anything less than 20min. Guess I’m just lucky.


solcroft t1_iuj4r15 wrote

They're going to be distracted while they're busy having a string of huge orgasms themselves?

If your partner notices you're distracted, you're doing it wrong.


sikmode t1_iuiz07y wrote

I always start reciting pie until I’m finished.

3.14. Ironically the same as my length.


Aggressive-Try-3707 t1_iuiy7hm wrote

So we are going to pretend the guys who know math have sex and the guys having sex know math?


peachyjuice t1_iuiymj4 wrote

Did it once and lost my hard-on. Had to sit down at the desk with a pen & and paper and solve the equation


brees2me t1_iuj2jrg wrote

The best way to "last" longer is to focus on your partner. One: it helps them to reach their climax and two: keeps your focus where it does the most good.


NormalPaYtan t1_iuiy85e wrote

You can also use prime numbers to vary the number of thrusts before you change tempo/position, thus making the love session more dynamic for your partner.


cdsvhhh t1_iuj73xo wrote

I always found it weird that other guys cum so fast. I can cum on demand.


SubGothius t1_iuj87al wrote

Easier trick: when you feel you're about to reach the point of no return, touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Learned that one reading about tantra; supposedly it works by affecting chi flow, or maybe it's just a distracting sensation, but regardless it works for me and keeps me in the moment and attentive to my partner and sensations rather than, basically, dissociating out of the situation with distracting thoughts.


keepthetips t1_iuiwy63 wrote

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mashiro1496 t1_iuiz0sx wrote

Well I keep that in mind when applicable maybe I try to solve the time dependent Schrodinger equation...


Red-Dwarf69 t1_iuiz59n wrote

Pretty sure I couldn’t focus on sex and math at the same time. If I tried this the sex would just stop.


dylanx5150 t1_iuizi3m wrote

Why would I want to last WAY longer? If I go one second longer than an hour I get charged for another hour.


prophylaxitive t1_iuizoi1 wrote

I was on holiday with the boys and my girlfriend asked if I thought about her much. Apparently, "Only if I don't want to cum too quickly" was not the right answer.


theendofthesidewalk t1_iuj271p wrote

If I had a nickel for every time my wife said why do you have that confused look on your face, I wouldn't know how much money I had cuz I'm that bad at math.


vernseys t1_iuj3ws0 wrote

Well due to previous porn addiction i can now last however long i want to. I am basically like a pornstar. But i also have to be in mood for it, otherwise i can only get it up to like 70%


reddgrrl t1_iuj2nve wrote

And this is the final nail in the coffin (leaves this sub forever).


Airamathesius t1_iuj54g8 wrote

You could, ya know, just learn dick control.