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TuckerCarlsonsOhface t1_itb9kng wrote

I shouldn’t need to put up any signs to expect others won’t bother me in my own home. Imagine being so far up your own ass that you preach about your valuable time while having zero respect for someone else’s.


Tekmantwo t1_itba6qf wrote

Federal law allows us to call at your door....and it also requires us to honor a 'No Trespass' sign.

None of us wants to break the law, we are commanded to obey the, get a sign if you dont want to be offended by a couple of old grammas that want to talk with you for a couple of minutes....


TuckerCarlsonsOhface t1_itbb3y3 wrote

I’m sorry, do you think that since it’s technically legal to bother me at home that makes it acceptable? I hope your meals are always interrupted.