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PeteyMcPetey OP t1_iucirlf wrote

There's a chance any food will do that to you. For some reason, Taco Bell is just a bit more well-known for it.

Will that stop me? Absolutely not. Taco Bell for life!

Am I advocating preparation in the event you react badly to a particular burrito? Yes. As the Boy Scouts taught me, Be Prepared.


MyNameIsSkittles t1_iuhw2qw wrote

No, diarrhea doesn't just randomly happen with some foods. Most likely you have a gastric disorder like IBS. Time to go to the doc


PeteyMcPetey OP t1_iuj6vyf wrote

Nope, Taco Bell just strikes sometimes.


MyNameIsSkittles t1_iuj789i wrote

>there's a chance any food will do it

You didn't say taco bell. This ^ isn't normal, in the slightest