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boxdude t1_iud9va1 wrote

Have some extra cash built up for sure. There is the physical cost of moving and then there are all the extra costs once you arrive.

Things like paying for a new drivers license and auto registration. You can maybe put it off for a while but a ticket can be a headache and cost more in the long run. Along that line you will need to change car insurance if you have a car, which might cost more. Might need to switch cell service which could involve extra fees. If you have to get your own place you could have fees and deposits for the rental and utilities. Depending on how you do your banking, opening new accounts and transferring money might incur fees. Also health insurance changes between programs available in each state might cause a change in you costs

One other hidden expense when leaving Florida to go to Massachusetts is state income tax. At hourly wages like you earn at Walmart, the state tax won't be too bad, but it could still be an unexpected decrease in your available cash.

Not trying to scare you off of the move, just better to anticipate these things ahead of time than to be surprised when you get there.

Good luck and hope you find what you need to make your life better when you get there.


bucceIIati OP t1_iuddbh1 wrote

this is the most helpful yet, thank you! i do not have a car yet for multiple reasons, but mainly financially it would be an incredible burden on me to have that if i want to properly move out. i do plan on saving up as much as i could and i do not plan on working at walmart up there (since there’s none specifically where id move to, allston) and intend on finding a new job. working a service job isnt an issue for me and im preparing to work more than one. ive been looking into health insurance, EBT, etc. once im up there as well. im on medicaid here so i gotta see if i can transfer to a service up there and such. thank you still!! ill keep all this in mind :-]