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notfrancisard t1_iubnsy6 wrote



FlyJunior172 t1_iubooug wrote

Failure to properly address maintenance requests in a timely manner. In my current apartment:

  • I’ve had one plumbing leak cause my ceiling to come down, that took more than a month to get addressed.
  • I’ve had another leak in the bathtub that spilled enough water on the floor to saturate beach towels for 72+ hours, that took a week and a half to address (all the while my apartment was technically uninhabitable).
  • I can see daylight through the corner of my front door, the hole the daylight is coming through is big enough I have lizards coming in. That’s been an open and continuously reported issue since April.
  • Leaky window reported in late August/early September, still hasn’t been looked at, let alone repaired.
  • garbage disposal had no gasket in the drain from the sink (i.e. you could clearly see the blades), reported in April, not fixed until July

Holiday-Can-997 t1_iuk8gya wrote

Check your state on laws regarding withholding of your rent payments. The state I live in, you are advised to put your rent payments in escrow. The owner has to take you to court to get you out. The judge saw I had the back rent available and intended to pay when the issues were resolved. I showed all my emails and pictures of damages to the judge. He chastised the owner for failure to maintain the property and gave him 14 days to complete all repairs. I did not have a lawyer, didn’t need one.


notfrancisard t1_iuboyiq wrote

And you haven’t pursued legal action because?


FlyJunior172 t1_iubpdrp wrote

Don’t have the resources to do so, but threatening legal action was enough to get things moving on some of these issues.