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TheMegnificent1 t1_itjum88 wrote

I've had cats most of my life. I have two right now that I raised from kittenhood after they were abandoned by their respective mothers. One of them (Mocha) is a sleek, smart hunter. The other (Latte) is a dumb, loveable, fat floof.

I absolutely do not ever allow them on the counters or tables; it's unsanitary. Latte is too dumb to remember that she's not allowed up there and will jump up anyway right in front of me, then scrabble away in shock when I start shouting at her. Mocha knows better and obediently stays away from the counters and tables. But I know perfectly damn well that she gets up there anyway when I'm gone, because she's a cat, and they don't fuckin listen.

I have a gas stove and this LPT is good advice. I'm going to look into this.