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_________FU_________ t1_itg7kll wrote

Chicken fried rice.

1 roasted chicken from the store (Sam’s is like $5 for a whole chicken)

1 box of 5 min rice

1 bag of mixed vegetables

1 white onion

3-4 eggs


Salt, pepper, cooking oil and soy sauce.

  1. Boil water and then add 5 min rice.
  2. After rice is added remove from heat and let sit covered for 5 minutes.
  3. Cook the onion and garlic in some oil until the onions turn clear
  4. Add in the vegetables and cook them throughly. Of your bag has carrots you might want to boil the veges first. Carrots take forever to cook.
  5. Split veges to one side and add your eggs
  6. Once the eggs are cooked and your chicken (chopped up)
  7. Now once the chicken is hot add rice
  8. Add soy sauce to add color and flavor.
  9. Let everything cook together and when ready eat!

I made this yesterday with 3 cups of rice and it will last me at least a week or more. I normally reheat it over the stove with fresh soy sauce to give it a fresh taste. It’s normally made with old rice so it’s perfect!


_________FU_________ t1_itg80b1 wrote

Chicken Salad

1 roasted chicken

1 bag of grapes (purple is dope)

1 bag of pecans or almonds

1 bag of celery

1 white/yellow onion

Mayo, salt, pepper

  1. Dice the chicken
  2. Add chicken to bowl
  3. Dice grapes, onion, celery and pecans
  4. Add everything
  5. Add Mayo, salt and pepper to taste

This is great on toasted bread with chips. Can last for a week plus.

I rotate these for lunch and dinner.