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keepthetips t1_iubgac8 wrote

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moron2point0 t1_iubgrob wrote

Go see an ENT if possible. Advice here could go 2 ways


Important_Count_8119 t1_iubh39u wrote

I’ve had a stupid slightly runny nose for 2 weeks with no end in sight


[deleted] t1_iubhhro wrote

Plug your nostrils and blow through your nose like you are trying to pop your ears. It clears it up but only for a second, like long enough to suck down what you have to


thildemaria t1_iubhqzr wrote

Eat a spoonful of Dijon mustard, it always works for me


Atomaardappel t1_iubi4wr wrote

Eat the spiciest sauce you have. Always gets my nose running like a faucet.


RobbieBlair t1_iubi5cn wrote

Do a nasal rinse. Up to three times a day, if you need.


the_ballmer_peak t1_iubie5w wrote

  • hot shower, blow your nose when you’re in there. The steam helps break up the snot.
  • netty pot. Look it up.
  • spicy foods
  • smelling salts will clear your shit right up
  • over the counter decongestants

arch85 t1_iubjmek wrote

Neti bottle or hydra sense. Pro tip... heat the diluted water up for 23 seconds in the microwave first. Game changer


desperaste t1_iublps0 wrote

For acute usage while trying to get to bed: thrust your tongue up into the roof of your mouth then tap your forehead (in between your eye brows and up a touch) then repeat these two actions over the over. It’ll oscillate your sinuses and you’ll see temporary relief that’ll last approx 15 minutes (enough to fall asleep)


KoiCyclist t1_iubltvx wrote

Neti pot. Warm up distilled water (not too hot) and add a shot of Alkalol (menthol wash). Use a little until you build up your tolerance. It’ll burn in a good way!!


TheRainStopped t1_iubn3np wrote

Go for a light jog. Seriously. At least for a few minutes, you may clear up.


YodaHead t1_iubogap wrote

Nasal rinse with saline solution followed by Flonase.


millenialstrong t1_iubqtwb wrote

Mucinex with pseudoephedrine, very important. Also Neil med sinus rinse. Warm water, don’t forget the salt packet! Rinse 2-3 times a day. Lots of water.


AcclaimedGroundhog t1_iubtjc8 wrote

Push your tongue against the soft roof of your mouth. Push for 10 seconds or so, then release.


CycleMN t1_iubv0ya wrote

This is very temporary, but the relief is a lifesaver when dealing with congestion.

Stand up. Quickly. It causes a quick drop in bloodpressure, so your congestion will disappear for a sweet, but short minute. Its not much, but it doesnt rely on drugs, and absolutely works


PieDiligent1075 t1_iubv2wm wrote

Take a decongestant like Sudafed and wait 15 minutes. Get some Vicks Vapor run and a cup of vinegar. Put the vinegar and a big old blob of the rub in the bottom of your shower with the stopper in after there's some water at the bottom. Take a hot shower with the door closed and no vent. Go ahead and blow your nose in the shower if needed. I like to dab a tiny bit of the rub under my nose, too, after the shower.


MissTortoise t1_iubzu0x wrote

Best long-term control is with saline rinses and a steroid nasal spray. Everything else gives temporary relief that comes back worse when it wears off.


SkolDog t1_iuc1mlx wrote

Be CAREFUL with nasal sprays! They are addictive and you will find yourself needing to be tethered to one at all times.


Hungry-Broccoli-3394 t1_iuc8b5u wrote

Cannot recommend a decongestant enough! Just an OTC. I sometimes like to use some kind of nasal moisturizer/lubricant if it's especially dry


MinervaMedica000 t1_iuce2o5 wrote

Your nose is stuffy not because of the mucus but because of the inflammation of your nasal passages. It could be because of an infection, it could also be allergies. However reduce your sugar/carb intake and increase your blood flow through exercise or additional physical activity, that can definitely help as lots of refined sugars naturally cause inflammation in the body.

Stress, spicy food, sugar, and some medications can also increase inflammation.

As far as "unstuffing it goes" you can take antihistamines and see if its allergy related or take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs.

I am not a doctor, nor am i qualified to give medical advice but this is what I have learned so far.


Vancouvermarina t1_iucfobc wrote

Buckleys before bed. Just did last week. It was gone next day. Love Buckleys


debbieopperud t1_iucneph wrote

Fizzy cold tabs generic or name brand work just the same. They give me enough relief to sleep at night.


boobleblum t1_iue3846 wrote

Boil water put vix in it, inhale