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ChainSword20000 OP t1_iy6855i wrote

And also, I say I can't stop him... I really could, I'm tech savvy enough, I could put up a 2nd hidden security mechanism that he wouldn't be able to unlock, but currently I have no escape, and I don't have anything more than a girlfriends name to hide from him, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to guess witch one it is among my other freinds gamertags in the single app I have their contact in. I even have dummie contacts and conversations set up to make him think its the wrong person, and I have the ability to disable his single app that could be used for snooping, life360, if I need to disappear for a while, or pretend to be somewhere when I go somewhere else. I've prepared myself well enough for the event where I need to escape from him, I just haven't needed to. All of our problems are 1st world relative to the relatively 3rd world problems that having him gone would cause.