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RSwordsman t1_iybnv2n wrote

/r/im14andthisisdeep . "Anyone who advertises dance, music, painting/drawing lessons is probably scamming you"? There is a wealth of information associated with why and how people enjoy those things. Yeah they can't imbue you with whatever spirit of true art you're talking about, but they can inspire by helping you develop existing techniques. It's only an exceedingly rare prodigy that finds they can make everything they want to make with zero external training.


FastWalkingShortGuy t1_iybocvy wrote

If they're advertising, they're not picking from a select group of people with talent.

Hard truth.


RSwordsman t1_iybp75m wrote

> If they're advertising, they're not picking from a select group of people with talent.

Yes, they are, if they know things. Have you ever taken classes on these subjects in school? They don't teach you what is and isn't art, just offer you tools on how to create it with more depth and refinement.


FastWalkingShortGuy t1_iybpwyb wrote

Accepted as an undergraduate in performance art at a couple of tier 1 universities.

Might know what I'm talking about.

But you probably know better than I do.


RSwordsman t1_iybqaww wrote

Congratulations, I'm waiting for you to either revolutionize several art forms with your wisdom or at least make it big as a performer without listening to those snooty egg-heads.

The closest I've gotten to education in art is an associate's degree in game design (which of course includes art assets) and independent study in writing and music. But I'd be far worse in all of those fields with no instruction.

Anyway, hope you find happiness inside or outside of formal programs.