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johnperkins21 t1_ixnjsb5 wrote

If they're detrimental to your mental health, they're not "loved ones".


Gastonthebeast t1_ixnwuk8 wrote

I love my siblings, and hanging out with a small group of them is the best. What IS detrimental to my mental health is when there's twenty people around the table and I can't get up to use the bathroom without either crawling under the table, or trying to scooch past my disabled grandpa.


Gankgasm t1_ixploli wrote

Sometimes you do have genuine love for the people that aren’t always healthy for you. Some of my loved ones stress me out to an unhealthy level, which means no holidays together, but I have an amazing long distance relatonship with them and we always support each other.

Your comment seems a little bit more geared towards the idea that if someone is causing you pain then you need to question if you actually love that person or not which is valid but a bit different than your initial comment.