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sardonic_balls t1_ixsgv9e wrote

Are you able to not interact with your significant others' family at all, ever, if you so choose? With zero negative impact or feedback from your spouse?

Point is, you will have to deal with your married partner's family... in some way or another, whether you like it or not, for as long as you're married to that person.

You may not have to sleep with them, but there you go.


ForceOfAHorse t1_ixtw8fh wrote

Yes, I am able to choose whether I like to go to a family gathering with her folks or not. It's not even that her family is crazy or something. It's mostly fine, but sometimes I just don't want to spend time with people who are boring just for the sake of sitting together for few hours. And she supports my choice to not go, because that's what loving partner do.

We do things we both like together. We do things only one of us want separately. Frankly, talking about marriage in terms of "sacrifices to keep he peace" is something I'll never do. What's the point of being married to somebody if you then live like that? What kind of partner would deliberately put their significant one through a miserable experience?