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DigNitty t1_iydsj5z wrote

Oh my good lord this is how my boss operates.

Every time there's a tiny problem she introduces a whole new system to prevent it. We have to walk over to the other building about twice a day. Last week my coworker and I both walked over at the same time so nobody answered the door when this dude knocked. Whoopsie. Now, any level-headed person would know without prompt that we should simply peak around the corner and say "hey I'm walking over." Problem solved, now we won't go at the same time.

Nope, now we have a binder. And every time we walk over we have to initial the date and time we're walking over and when we return. Now we can see if the other person is already over there. But if you stand where the binder is hanging you can easily see if the other person is there or not. So now we have this whole new binder system thing, which is one of a bajillian binder system things she's implemented. I swear to god I could leave by 9:45am with all my work done if I didn't have to fill out all these redundant binder forms.

By the way, that guy who knocked when no one was there? I saw him from the other building and just walked over and said hello. So the system solves a problem that doesn't exist. Oh, and the dude was at the wrong address.