Submitted by vetiverbreath t3_z8u9s6 in LifeProTips

My husband is a chef and always orders extra to use in his kitchen. I find them to work even better than paper towels when draining bacon and other greasy things. And I used a couple to soak up extra oil in my pan so it didn’t have to go down the drain. Cheaper than paper towels too, if you buy em in bulk or at a Dollar Store!



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captainvancouver t1_iydkt4k wrote

Put one upside down over your plate of food before microwaving. Top notch disposable splatter-catcher.


DogDaysCatPays t1_iye64e2 wrote

Ooo this sound much better than hoping a paper towel doesn't tragically fall off my bowl of soup


allothernamestaken t1_iyea9hx wrote

Get the paper towel wet first and wring it out, then place it over whatever you're microwaving.


Workingclasswhore t1_iyex4wq wrote

As a welder I feel the need to tell you its “spatter”, not “splatter”.


Isoldael t1_iyf7u9g wrote

As a non native English speaker with access to Google, I feel the need to tell you that splatter is also a word that works in this context.

Splatter: a spot or trail of a thick or viscous liquid splashed over a surface or object.

"each puddle we crossed threw a splatter of mud on the windshield"


RogerRabbit1234 t1_iydo768 wrote

Never for any reason put FOG down your drain. (Fats Oil Grease.. ) for any reason… filtered through a coffee filter or otherwise. Right in the trash can. Your future plumbing bill will thank you.


SliverCobain t1_iyeats6 wrote

Old milk kartons works great. Before the oil crisis here in denmark, i was on keto and used a lot of fats. I simply opened op, rinsed with water and stood by the sink.. Easily filled after a few dinners, and then ready to trash.


[deleted] t1_iydpq69 wrote



High_Guardian t1_iydwcr3 wrote

I just moved into this apartment, thanks for fucking up the drains now I have to wait a week for the landlord to get them replaced


[deleted] t1_iydxn6n wrote



Inlhia t1_iye9t3d wrote

Wait. Are you actively encouraging people to ruin their apartment plumbing to fuck over landlords and then getting upset when it’s not repaired fast enough? What a ride


[deleted] t1_iyedd4h wrote



Inlhia t1_iyedlc1 wrote

I’m not a landlord simp, I’m just not an asshole. I also live in my apartment and have actual responsibilities.

Does your mom know you shove things down the drain or is she considered your landlord so you do it anyway?


Samwarez t1_iye4ww3 wrote

Coffee filters are amazing for cleaning electronics too. Absorbent, strong, just the right amount of abrasiveness, AND LINT FREE. I use them on my glasses, lenses and even fiber optics in a pinch.

It also helps that they are stupid cheap, and available everywhere. There are stacks of them in every home and office and can be bought at just about any supermarket or convenience store.


CurbsideChaos t1_iyeev97 wrote

Yep! I worked at a bar where I had to clean the doors and coffee filters work so much better with Windex than paper towels or napkins!


ramriot t1_iye4x6y wrote

There is a larger size, specifically for grease filtering ( 10" diameter ) that I use in making maple syrup as liners to extend the useful life of my final stage micropore & wool filters. These can be purchased from catering supply stores for well under $1 each.


clhamala t1_iyf7het wrote

10 foot diameter?? thats substantial


willy_g369 t1_iyegywj wrote

My dad is a mechanic and he uses them to filter motor oil to see if there's any metal shaving and for filtering gasoline as well. Coffee filters are a lot more useful than you think.


WPrepod t1_iyeicv6 wrote

Little bit of tinfoil in the drain, dump oil/grease/fat in it. Let it solidify or at least cool down a bit and then in the trash.


starstarstar42 t1_iydbxrx wrote

Coffee filters are highly flammable and even more so when soaked in grease. Is this use for them, in a kitchen, a good idea when inexpensive, non-flammable and reusable metal splash filters are already a thing?


ThingsIAlreadyKnow t1_iydfncg wrote

All kinds of kitchen supplies will burn. They aren't putting them over the gas flame. Flur is highly flammable should we keep that out of the kitchen too? This is a helicopter parent warning.


Arc80 t1_iydksql wrote

I think the simplest answer is that it's going to take legislative reform to protect the people from this all too common and abhorrent danger. All paper towels, tissues, coffee filters, and paper products made from over 67.7% cellulose woodpulp will henceforth require a permit to purchase, the permit will only be obtained after taking a fire safety class by a trained firefighter actively serving the municipality or region, and the kitchen within which the paper products are to be used along with the pyrotechnic rated magazine used to store these dangerous, flammable materials must be inspected and approved by your regional fire marshal.


DigNitty t1_iydsj5z wrote

Oh my good lord this is how my boss operates.

Every time there's a tiny problem she introduces a whole new system to prevent it. We have to walk over to the other building about twice a day. Last week my coworker and I both walked over at the same time so nobody answered the door when this dude knocked. Whoopsie. Now, any level-headed person would know without prompt that we should simply peak around the corner and say "hey I'm walking over." Problem solved, now we won't go at the same time.

Nope, now we have a binder. And every time we walk over we have to initial the date and time we're walking over and when we return. Now we can see if the other person is already over there. But if you stand where the binder is hanging you can easily see if the other person is there or not. So now we have this whole new binder system thing, which is one of a bajillian binder system things she's implemented. I swear to god I could leave by 9:45am with all my work done if I didn't have to fill out all these redundant binder forms.

By the way, that guy who knocked when no one was there? I saw him from the other building and just walked over and said hello. So the system solves a problem that doesn't exist. Oh, and the dude was at the wrong address.


Dr_Catfish t1_iydseqz wrote

This is reasonable.

I'd suggest a 300% Cellulose Tax on all of those products too though, just to be extra safe.


[deleted] t1_iydg6k8 wrote



Lee2026 t1_iydmi5k wrote

You drain your grease over an open flames? There’s your issue….

I typically drain grease/fat/oil over the garbage can…..


Faruhoinguh t1_iydmyck wrote

You are overreacting. Highly flamable stuff is things like ether, propanol, hydrogen. Even gasoline doesn't ignite when you throw a sigarette butt at it. Grease soaked coffee filters are way down the line.


Dr_Catfish t1_iydsmxb wrote

Gasoline will unless its cold and can't vaporize. What people fail to understand is that liquid gasoline doesn't burn very well. It's the vapours of gas or when it's aerosolized that it explodes.

You can shove your lit cigarettes in diesel/oil all day though.


ThirstyChello t1_iydn1ds wrote

Assuming there is an open flame is suspect.

Paper towels are already flammable, even more so when soaked with grease.

Grease is flammable and it's subsequent fires burn houses down all the time without any help from paper products


sweetgranola t1_iydonbh wrote

Assuming there is even an open flame. Gas appliances are not popular where I live everything is electric.


Dr_Catfish t1_iydsa8e wrote

Paper towel is highly flammable and even more so when soaked in grease.

Kitchen towels are high flammable and even more so when soaked in grease.

Grease is highly flammable and even more so when soaked into fabric.

Your clothes are high flammable and even more so when soaked in grease.

This and many other interesting facts common to 95% of the human race at six.


MadCow555 t1_iydv8ow wrote

I've used exactly this combo as a great firestarter/kindling for a campfire. Soaking them in oil works too


PerpetuallyLurking t1_iye1xdw wrote

So is paper towel. And tea towels. What do YOU wipe your grease up with that isn’t flammable? Asbestos?


BellyScratchFTW t1_iydt3co wrote

I've had trouble with coffee filters not draining fast enough. But I like cheese cloth for draining bacon. Gets nearly all of the tiny bits out and is very quick.


keepthetips t1_iyd96kj wrote

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gagrushenka t1_iyeuxvq wrote

I use flour to soak up oil in pans


[deleted] t1_iydambx wrote



EvilCeleryStick t1_iyddoac wrote

Diabetes as a result of eating animal fats huh? Methinks you should read more.


Arc80 t1_iydl4q6 wrote

Get out of here with that shit, where the fuck do you think maple bacon comes from? (edit: JFC, because it turns out it's necessary)



EvilCeleryStick t1_iydltz5 wrote

Maybe it's the maple syrup in that particular bacon that a person should watch out for. Or the pancakes they drizzle liquid sugar on top of beside the bacon. Or the sugar-filled orange juice in a cup beside that plate. It isn't the fat in the bacon specifically making anyone fat. It's the combined caloric intake and the sugar that are the problem.


Arc80 t1_iydnrxs wrote




EvilCeleryStick t1_iydo2bd wrote

Nah it's all good - just understand I'm arguing with a vegan moron in this thread and didn't realize you weren't just piling on. My bad.


[deleted] t1_iydi1ub wrote



EvilCeleryStick t1_iydkpwv wrote

>an increase in muscle insulin resistance, caused by obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, and metabolic syndrome, will result in an excess accumulation of intramyocellular lipids.

I think you know this, but the presence of something (IMCL) does not indicate its the cause of that thing.

Unless wearing large pants is also causing obesity?


[deleted] t1_iydldos wrote



EvilCeleryStick t1_iydlkii wrote

Because they eat way too much food, especially and in particular, sugar and carb heavy food. They don't fatten livestock with animal fats, man.


TaiDavis t1_iydch6x wrote

This sounds like a Public Service Announcement


Silver_Narwhal_1130 t1_iydvd48 wrote

She didn’t say she only uses them for grease or that she buys them in bulk. Her husband buys extra. That means any number more that they buy for coffee. Also you say this like it isn’t already commonly spouted knowledge (not saying it’s correct). But seriously who hasn’t heard this from their doctor or high school health teacher. 🤦🏾‍♂️