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BreakfastBeerz t1_ixtkb4s wrote

Who breaks the glass tray? Also, if someone were to break the glass tray, why wouldn't they just contact the manufacturer for a replacement? If I were to break the glass try why would I think to look at a thrift shop for a replacement? If I were a thrift shop, why would I keep said glass tray so it can take up space and not throw it out?

This is probably the worst LPT I've read


CapeForHire t1_ixuhjof wrote

> Who breaks the glass tray?

Me, for example

>Also, if someone were to break the glass tray, why wouldn't they just contact the manufacturer for a replacement?

Samsungs replacement was about 40€. Got a used platter for 5€ instead


Imsdal2 t1_ixu5vx0 wrote

All you comments are correct, except...

> This is probably the worst LPT I've read

Are you new here?


concentrated-amazing t1_ixuimom wrote

I know someone who has it shatter and cut his hand pretty bad, actually. Thankfully, after several months, the tendon damage healed up fine.