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keepthetips t1_ixvzflr wrote

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dupattaluella t1_ixw021a wrote

Couldn't this LPT get you a ticket? I thought you legally had to have your headlights on at night in most, if not all, states.


doterobcn t1_ixw079p wrote

Headlights on all the time is mandatory in my country. And if you have normal lights, not high beams you shouldn't be blinding anybody.


headyrooms t1_ixw0hy5 wrote

You aren't driving down the road. I doubt a cop is going to pull you out of a drive-through to write you a ticket. Just remember to turn them back on when exiting the drive-through.


dupattaluella t1_ixw0ums wrote

>I doubt a cop is going to pull you out of a drive-through to write you a ticket.

Nope. He'll wait until you're moving up then get you for driving with your headlights off. You do you, but I'll keep my headlights on. It's not worth a ticket to me.


bbq62 t1_ixw1hr3 wrote

If you're bothered by headlights, the real LPT is to flip that little lever on your rear-view mirror to dim the reflection - not make an unreasonable demand that people turn them off.


JEFFMBHIBB_Photo t1_ixw1pia wrote

I don’t think it’s illegal if you’re sitting in a drive-thru literally going nowhere for a few minutes.

I think it’s one thing if you forget to turn them back on before entering the public road again. Then yeah, I could see a ticket.

We may need to double check the state laws here just to verify and clarify. In my head, if you’re sitting in line at a business establishment where it’s not a public place, so the rules don’t apply until you enter public space. Wouldn’t businesses be considered private property?


Treaux-LaCount t1_ixw1tzx wrote

This makes about as much sense as turning your headlights off when you’re following a car on the highway to keep from bothering them.

99 out of 100 people would forget to turn their lights back on.


JEFFMBHIBB_Photo t1_ixw1z0e wrote

Well of course, that exists too and helps somewhat. But you’ll still have your side mirrors, it’ll still be bright. I think the goal of this post is to just eliminate that problem altogether.


JEFFMBHIBB_Photo t1_ixw2jx5 wrote

But you’re not on a Highway. You’re literally sitting ducks in a line waiting for food. You’ll know when a car comes behind you because their lights would be on and then they would turn it off.

This also goes hand in hand with being situationally aware of your surroundings which you should be doing anyways if you’re driving a several ton metal speeding murder machine anywhere at anytime of day or night.

What’s wrong with turning them off while you’re waiting?


Zealousideal_Web8496 t1_ixw3sx5 wrote

If the light is too bright, adjust your mirrors until you leave the drive-through.


Treaux-LaCount t1_ixw3vg8 wrote

It is pretty easy to forget to turn your headlights back on if you’re in an area with bright lights or even just streetlights, especially if you have automatic headlights and never have to manually turn them on or off.

If you want to turn them off at a drive-thru that’s absolutely fine. I’m not going to though, and if headlights bother you that much I would respectfully suggest that perhaps you shouldn’t be driving at night.


jpagebjj t1_ixw41fc wrote

This isn’t a life pro tip. This is a convenience request. These are the worst posts. We aren’t looking for ways to make YOUR life better. The posts are supposed to make OUR life better.


miscalculated_launch t1_ixw7qwm wrote

No. Dim your mirror. Principle is principle. If you turn your lights off, you run the risk of forgetting. Do you suppose the person you took the time to be kind to cares about the ticket you may get because of your kindness? Just dim your mirror, saves everyone the hassle. Don't ruin your own day by batching about some headlights or some comment someone made on the internet. Just move along.


Elephant_homie t1_ixwbrf8 wrote

I never thought about this before. I have heard, though, that if it's raining to turn off your wipers because it tends to splash the workers from when my friend worked at McDonald's.


Elephant_homie t1_ixwc4c4 wrote

>Dim your mirror.

Is this a thing that all cars have? I've been driving for over 15 years and never knew this was an option. Or maybe I'm just being dumb, but I will definitely be checking this out next time I'm in my car!


miscalculated_launch t1_ixwcyop wrote

Rearviews are all dimmable. Even if you don't have the button, change the pitch of your rear view slightly vertical and you'll get a dimming action. Sideview mirrors are self explanatory, just turn them out or in if it's an issue. My main thing was not risking getting in trouble to be polite when the individual you're being polite to assumes no risk or responsibility should you get in trouble. It's not being conceded or ignorant to look out for yourself first. Nobody will care about you more than you care about your own actions. Be safe, be kind, but also calculate.


flipback360 t1_ixwqltx wrote

That literally what that switch is for. If you use it combined with proper adjustment of your side view mirrors it completley eliminates and blindness caused by the driver behind. Also consider getting tint.