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totthetaters t1_ixz85c0 wrote

Something is better than nothing. My therapist recommended keeping protein bars or protein drinks on hand. They give you some nutrients and are no effort foods.


captainsmiffff t1_ixz9o0r wrote

I stand by this. The Breakfast Essentials drinks basically saved my life.


nip_pickles OP t1_ixzb2ej wrote

Ensures and pedialyte were wonders for long hauls, help fill you up and hydrate, and you can make your own pedialyte or have someone else make it too


nip_pickles OP t1_ixzashs wrote

I use protein powder in my coffee for this reason. It helps when I just don't have it in me to cook


mommadragon72 t1_iybni2v wrote

Protein shakes sub for creamer very nicely and then I can honestly say I had breakfast not' just coffee"


Zoenne t1_iy0xbna wrote

Yep. I survived exclusively on Huel (complete meal replacements) for a few months. It takes the decision-making out of the equation, and you don't have to cook, heat up, or clean up (apart from the shaker).


GlitterfreshGore t1_iy0ykwm wrote

Agreed. The ensure complete nutrition drinks can be a bit pricey (about ten bucks for six) but they are helpful if you don’t have an appetite or don’t have the energy to cook. I went though a rough time earlier this year and I’d chug one of those bad boys every day. I didn’t sip it, I didn’t savor it, I just chugged to get the nutrition.


SatsumaOranges t1_iy1klqc wrote

Definitely. I have some Boost on hand for exactly this reason. Protein, vitamins, and liquid.