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squeezy102 t1_iybyvnr wrote

Eh… except water and metal conduct heat completely differently, and the temp you feel on the tap is going to be significantly different than the temp of the water coming out, at least from a touch/sensation/tolerance standpoint.

I’ll give an example of an old laundry room sink I had growing up in my childhood home. That water came out hot as shit if you wanted it to, just full blast on the hot handle.

Now - you could stick your hand in that water no problem, but if you touched the fixture it was WAY too hot to touch, would burn the shit out of you.

So I don’t think this is accurate, or even safe advice.


voitlander t1_iybz89b wrote

Maybe use a thermometer designed for high temperature?


squeezy102 t1_iybzj2h wrote

Nobody’s talking about using thermometers here. If we had a hypothetical thermometer in this hypothetical situation, why would we be hypothetically touching the hypothetical metal fixture?



voitlander t1_iybznb5 wrote

"Actually" use a thermometer.


squeezy102 t1_iybzpxh wrote

Ok but you’re missing the entire spirit of the advice by assuming everyone carries a thermometer with them at all times, I think.


voitlander t1_iybzuyy wrote

I was just suggesting that OP could use a thermometer. They could just buy one.


squeezy102 t1_iyc05c6 wrote

Right sure, and while we’re at it let’s rig up a full color digital temperature display, complete with information about the heat tolerances of human skin, safety warnings, information about optimal temperatures for various cooking and cleaning uses, and maybe a button to automatically call medical services. You know, just in case of emergency.

The original advice is more meant for a quick fix kind of scenario. One where you need information fast and you don’t have many tools at your disposal.

Nearly all of the tips on this sub are that way. I really think you’re missing the point.


Independent-Aerie-42 OP t1_iyc0x0k wrote

The tap couldn’t be hotter than the water. The water sets the max temperature.


squeezy102 t1_iyc14id wrote

I’m not arguing that. I’m arguing that 180 degree water and 180 degree metal do very different things to skin.

I don’t know what it’s called, maybe specific heat capacity, maybe thermal conductivity, I don’t study this shit - but I will tell you from experience that there are temperatures where the water won’t burn you but the metal will.


Fromthepast77 t1_iyetgip wrote

It's the thermal conductivity. Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy an object can hold per unit temperature. It doesn't really matter in most cases as it doesn't take much energy to burn you. Also, water has a very high specific heat capacity - much higher than metal.


Independent-Aerie-42 OP t1_iyc1udj wrote

Ok cool. I don’t wanna give unsafe advice, and I can’t get a clear answer from google so I’ll remove the tip. I was just trying to stop people getting wet hands for no reason. I don’t know what boiler you have, but I was talking about temperatures around 40 degrees Celsius, so no one’s gonna get burnt or scolded.


keepthetips t1_iybyl69 wrote

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StoryAndAHalf t1_iyc2hyl wrote

I just ask if someone can give me a hand. Then grab them by the wrist and test the water's temperature.